Long-Term Lucid Tasklist!

This morning I had two lucid dreams! The latter of which was about three or so minutes long… and I interacted with a couple aliens! I want to thank @TheNexus for trying so hard for the task as I’m sure reading about his dreams and trials and success semi-incubated this dream for me. :slightly_smiling_face:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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I’m going to claim a one-minute LD, in which I passed through a mirror!

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Welcome to the LTLT, Yev! A and congratulations on both the LD and the task. Reads like more than one minute to me, interesting how I’m often quite off from what people estimate themselves in here :lol:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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Welcome to the LTLT, @Yev ! I shall log your points immediately. And @Marvin, it does seem a bit longer than one minute to me, too… but everyone probably remembers different densities of content, so to speak… I know I probably underestimate mine a bit… I tend to “grade” the dream in 30 second chunks when I determine a lucid dream’s length. :stuck_out_tongue:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

very, very brief lucid today, ill say just 1 minute or less. Didn’t have time to try out any tasks before i woke, unfortunately

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I found myself lucid by deduction in a random Room. I only remember a really short piece of what was probably an expansive dream, so I’ll only score 1 length point. Did the phasing task though. As expected, it was very easy for me, since this is one of my signature LD tricks :happy:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

@TheNexus , @Marvin : I shall log your points. :slightly_smiling_face:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

2022-10-01T05:00:00Z: Oversized Overworld

Objective: Explore an oversized world or giant city… while being normal sized… or smaller!

It’s time for the opposite task of Tiny Town! This time, it’s the dreamscape that should be larger than you. All you have to do for this task is to explore a place that seems made for some people much, much bigger than you. Maybe climb a beanstalk and explore a giant’s home. Perhaps you stumble across a forest with trees so tall and massive they take up the entire horizon… and your only clue that something is wrong is the massive flower you climbed to see this! Getting around in this world will likely be much harder than the opposite task, but using a few lucid tricks should make moving about easy… just try to avoid being stepped on! (By accident, anyways… :stuck_out_tongue: )

For reference, the task board can be found here.

Just a short, as in mere seconds, lucid for me. Also, relevant to the latest task is Kurzgesagt’s latest upload.

For reference, the task board can be found here.

A couple of dreams to report from the past two days. On the 7th, I had a medium short lucid in which I did no tasks… and then this morning I had a short lucid in which I did the phasing task! I wish that lucid had lasted longer… I wanted to explore some forests. :stuck_out_tongue:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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I was victim of a Sleep Attack while nothing special was happening, triggering me into lucidity. The length was 1 point short, but I did the phasing task again, which felt a little different than usual. I also explored a lake. Both in the dream and when recalling the dream I was quite confident that this is a task, but I must have confused it among the many open biome tasks, or I had spotted it in the backlog before or something :slight_smile:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

I’ll log your points, @Marvin! (And “Lake” is in the backlog. :peek: )

I also had a short lucid dream this morning. No tasks, though. Still… this is three mornings straight of lucids… :slightly_smiling_face:

For reference, the taskboard can be found here.

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No lucid this morning… but during my afternoon nap I had some fun with some auditory HH. among other things… The dream was medium short… though it was probably longer… I only remember a medium short amount of moments, though. :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe… 3 minutes? Anywho, no task points… just lucid.

For reference, the task board can be found here.

very short lucid today! no tasks completed yet. this was about 1 or 2 minutes.

I’m gonna try and do the gardening/plant growing task next if I can ^^


I shall log your point, @TheNexus !

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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I discovered a River Oasis, that is a river running through a desert-like field. As the name and description implies, it satisfies the river task :slight_smile: Length is only 1 point. Fell for the FA trap again. It always gets me :joy:

I nicely remember that I wanted to do the river task, but I forgot for what purpose. Of course this doesn’t have to be final attempt :stuck_out_tongue:

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The first of many more river dreams, I hope, @Marvin . :stuck_out_tongue: I shall log your points. :slightly_smiling_face:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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Just a short lucid this morning. Nothing task worthy… or forum worthy for that matter. :stuck_out_tongue:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

2022-11-01T05:00:00Z: Lightning Bending

Objective: Do a little Lightning Bending.

It’s time for a return to the Avatar tasks! This time, you should improve on your Firebending from last time and sling some lightning around! Of course, you don’t have to be the one to create the lightning as you can bend it defensively to redirect energy someone might have sent your way. Ultimately, as long as you manipulate electricity in some meaningful way, it’ll count! Do note that this does not count for the standard firebending task.

For reference, the task board can be found here.

What? I was late? I have no idea what you mean… it’s not like I got distracted while playing games with my brothers and almost forgot to post! What? That didn’t happen, I swear! :peek:

Summer Reminiscence brought me to another river. This one is two points for length and accomplishes the river task.

For reference, the task board can be found here.