Longest dream ever.

So recently I went into lucidity for my second time. My first time was not much of a lucid dream at all I realized I was dreaming and got excited and I lost it. Yesterday although was a different story all together. I had been sleeping basicaly all day because I had a long and stressfull day before. I awoke at 8pm and found my slef doodling in my journal for a few hours and entertaining myself with some tv. Then I had a feeling that i wanted to go lucid after that much sleep. So i layed down (this was at 1 pm) and my eyes kept fluttering I figured it was from sleeping to much. I have taught myself how to stop the eye fluttering but i had this feeling that if I went down stairs something important would happen. So I did and I had a snack and my sister was still awake and put on the movie soul surfer, I teased her for that then she put on the glee project, yet again i teased her for that also(not meanly just speaking my opinion on these showsxD). Finnaly she put on the Simpsons a pretty decent show and I sat and enjoyed it with her. she was almost asleep by the end of the episode and I called her name and told her to put on another episode because she had the remote, she reluctantly did and fell back asleep instantly. I sat and enjoyed the episode untill I noticed that when homer was pigging out in the fridge that he died by chocking (although it didnt show him choke) and what looked like a dream body came out of him picked him up and did the heimlich maneuver to him and he spat out the chicken bone homer and the dream body high fived and the dream body went back into homer (could also have been his soul, this is just my opinion). This started brewing a wierd feeling in my gut. So I continued to watch and then homer later in the episode ran into the living room and in his sentence he used the words “reality check” , their and then I did one and I was in real life. Instantly after this i went upstairs not finishing the episode because I fealt as if i should. Then i turned off the light covered myself in my blanket relaxed and tried to preform the wild technique. (I have tried this technique before atleast 100 times without success) I slowly fealt my self drifting and i passed out, but then suddenly it fealt like I surfaced and did a reality check and i was in a dream! I tried to go wild but ended up going into a Mild instead! The thing is about this dream was it fealt as if the dream went on for easily 6 hours, Maybe because I followed the path my spirit led me down perfectly and that is how he rewarded me. I kept doing reality checks constantly to see if i was dreaming, and without fail I was. I finally awoke after what fealt like a 12 hour sleep and 6 hours of which I remember very vividly as I was lucid and exploring the world of possibilities. The crazy thing is i went to bed at 4 am and awoke at 7 am. Does anyone else have this dramatic of a difference? Genneraly I was prob only dreaming for 10 minutes of that because I would have only been able to go through 1 sleep cycle. :eek:

Actually I do recall have my first lucid dream way back about 2 months ago where I realized I was dreaming then it faded instantly, the second time I realized I was dreaming and I walked around for like 1 min then it faded then it led up to this one:)

hey ya i went lucid for my first time like i cant remember egzactly but you were there :cool:

Dude i taught you my ways manxD