Who can help connecting me to employers in southern california who like my web design style (eg: LD4all) and need a creative force to design and pay me $$$$ for my uniQue work? [/b]
I’m thinking of moving to california to work and live.
My question is to all ppl here from california, and i know there are quite a few!
could you tell me where alternative, spiritual, ppl live? what places do i want to go to and what places not?
incidentally, anybody knows a company that can use a creative web designer?
and some affordable places to stay? We are planning to do a exploring trip to get to know the area, and looking for bed and breakfast places to stay.
aare you talking about joining a cult? there are a lot of good spiritual cults around california. I am sure you can find some listed online. or maybe you should just live on a commune?
Don’t get me wrong I love California but, it is the most expensive state in the US to live in.
You might want to give some thought to upstate NY. A little town called New Paltze or even Woodstock. Very big on alternative healing and lifestyles. It is just a beautiful place to live. Woods, mountains, lakes etc
However, if your intent on California and want to pay those high prices. Live in a big city with not a tree to be found. Then look into the San Fransisco area. Well ok there is the ocean.
Well if your looking for “spiritual” I would have to suggest something like San Fransisco or santa cruz or maybe berkely, but those are probably the most expensive also.
Well you are right. Money should not be the issue. In a perfect world it would not be. Unfortunately we don’t live in a perfect world yet. In the world we live in you still have to pay rent, buy food etc.
Anyway, the main point of my argument in favor of NY was not money. It was beautiful mountains, lush forests and crystal lakes. Not to mention the clean fresh air.
Did I mention that California is essentially a desert. ( Most of it anyway). Not that I am trying to influence you in any way pasQuale.
It is funny that you made this thread. Not long ago I was think about moving to your country for a while.
thanks for the info guys
Keep it coming, especially the mundane things like gas prices.
$2 a gallon? that’s always half the price of the gas in Holland… Here you pay 1.22 Euro ($1.46) for a Liter (that is $5.55 a gallon)
the reason i want to move is the weather. i want to live in a place where there is sun, and warmth. Not darkness and rain. In holland there is maybe one month in the year summer. the rest is rain and darkness (especially the winters.) This goes for my husband as well. We cannot survive another winter in Holland
The reason i want to move to USA is because i love that country I feel so more energetic there and free. Here in holland i feel tired all the time and closed in.
money should not be an object since i plan to have a highly paid job as a web designer
We want to live in a nice area like santa barbara (lol you are probably going to tell me that is very expensive there). Close to the beach. On the pictures i saw lots of trees, especially palm trees (i love palm trees)
i can never live in a big city but somewhere in a quiet place, yet relatively close to the city if you ever want to go there.
I also need to know some info about the working permits/visa. I understand that if I have a job there i’m allowed to live and work in the USA. But what happens if i get fired? do i have to go back then?
Milod, if you are still considering moving to Holland, if you want to know anything just ask You can also drop by on the dutch forum to ask questions, most of us speak english over there if someone english drops by
Well in California you will get plenty of sunshine but, then you will get that almost anywhere in the US. However, in parts California the weather is more stable. From what I understand in the sanfransisco area the temp alternates between 86 F in the day and 68 F in the night ( according to my cousin anyway) I forgot I am supposed to be talking you out of California. And convincing you to move to NY. Did I mention how pretty the fall is here when all the leaves start to change colors.
I think you will love it here in the US. I know I do.
I was not actually planning on moving over there but, more like take an extended vacation. I have never been outside the US. Everyone on this forum had such great things to say about the western European countries I thought I might take 6 mo or a year and check it out. From there who knows?
Anyway, this thread is about you not me. Immigration is a hot topic over here but, you should not have too much trouble. There are lots of not- for- profit agencies over here that can help you with all the paperwork.
i wish it was easy for Americans to go to European countries like it is vice versa…
California is nice but the traffic and pollution will absolutely make you disgusted to be a human being. Having said that, the climate is fantastic (in some places) there are kickass 18 year old casinos… umm… lots and lots to do.
I don’t know about the hippies though, I’m mainly experienced with SoCal… the drug laws are horrible though, so if you’re looking for “that” kind of new aged religion, you might want to stay out of America.
Crime is also a severe problem in Cali.
ermm actually the drug laws are fairly nice in Cali.
i live in the bay area, its usal nice weather, 70-90 in the day 50-60 at night. Depending on where you move you will probably have allergie problems. Really the only place with bad bad pollution is the fresno area, other than that its not too bad. I’m not sure about santa barbara, never been there . In the winter or colder seasons, october thru february, it is about 50- 70 in the day and 40-50 at night. Never rains in the summer, not too bad in the winter, except for the el nino seasons.
Sorry Q i don’t really noe about the foreign policies, but I do noe that it takes a long time to get your American citizenship. I used to live in Alabama and I moved out here 9 years ago, we met a woman who was trying to get her citizenship then, and she just got it like last year .
i definately dont want pollution or smog… i assume this is not there in a quiet village/town a bit from the city? I dont want to live in the big city.
No i dont need a place where i can legally use drugs, i dont even smoke or drink.
I dont need a citizenship right now, although i’d like to be an american citizen some time in the future I need a working permit or something like that i thought.
it is not easy for europeans to come in the USA, you need to have a visa. I need to have one to be able to work and live… I dont know how and where to apply for that. I assume when i find a job it goes automatically.
for americans it is easy to come to europe i thought! in amsterdam are a lot of americans.
milod, i know how beautiful the leaves are in fall - it is the same here I can always come visit you in fall time
i hope you get the opportunity to check out Europe. And to take your time too.
You might wanna try northern California, as it often seems better than the lower regions of this state. As for finding spiritual places, take your pick. I think it’s one of those things that is just very prevalent here. You don’t know what suits you until you come and experience it, though.
Let us know how your search goes, Q, as I’m sure we’re all interested.
If you are concerned about smog that can be a problem in some parts of California. I think as long as you avoid the big cities like LA and as mentioned above the Fresno area you should be ok. I know in some parts of California they have these heat inversions where the heat is trapped in by the smog and it is not safe to be out doors. I do not think that is true of all of California. It’s a huge state. So just avoid the big industrial areas.
I am not an expert on immigration law but, your own state department should be able to help you. I know you can get a work visa that will allow you to work in the US. If you get a work visa and have a job for a while then loose it I do not think you would be automatically kicked out. You would probably have time to find another job (not 100% sure about that). However, if you come over on a work visa and then quit the job after a short period of time then yes they would ( most likely ) revoke your work visa. You can also get something called permanent resident status after you have been here for a while ( I dont know how long. I think after a year or two) You could most likely get all the information and forms you need from the US Department of immigration and naturalization (INS) web site.
I’ll try to find out more info for you.
I hope so too. It has always been something I wanted to do.
holy reality
There are lots of US citizens who, for the most part, reside in Europan countries. I do not think they get the same benefits such as free health care and education though. So you would still have to pay for that. I think. If that is something you really want to do you should not have too much trouble. From what I understand you only have to come back to the US for something like 14 days a year.
Trust me pollution anywhere in Cali is bad… so is traffic. If you’re a native California “not bad” to you is BAD to people who actually live in non polluted places.
It’s nothing extreme in the suburbs or anything though, but it can be icky at times… if you want relatively un polluted look towards the country/mountains etc.
So I guess you can find some nice unpolluted places in Cali but… well… it’s easier to look in less populated states, I’d imagine.
also real estate is insane, my uncle has a very “normal” house and it cost him half a miilion to get… not kidding… out here it would barely be 100,000 tops… probably less than that.
Of course it’s in a fantastic area/neighborhood, but still…
I’m not a native californian, and no the pollution is not that bad in most places.
Also like I said it never is rainy or foggy in the summer, and usually only foggy early in the morning during the winter, but it usually fades by 10:00 or 11:00.