losing enthusiasm! please help!

I was talking to a friend a couple of days ago and when i told her all about lucid dreaming she said “so…what’s the point?”
i know that LDIng has lots of great things about it, but really, what IS the point? please help, i’m losing enthusiasm quickly!

That’s quite personal isn’t it? One could ask the same about anything. We’re all gonna die so what’s the point in living? Well. One answer to both is to enjoy yourself. We’re here so why not have some fun? You’re gonna dream anyway. Make the most of it!

Who knows? Maybe real life is just a dream and dreams are actually reallity, I mean, you never know!!

  1. Make your dreams come true (even if it’s just in an LD)
    ex: the dream of my life was to be able to fly.
  2. Do stuff you could never do before
  3. I just noticed that I forgot 3!
  4. Just have fun :content:

i think dreams are a great way to search for artistic and imaginative ideas, and to be able to see things in a way which normal constrictions imposed by logic and consciousness would otherwise have us miss, and being lucid enhances the experience.

Ask her what the point is in her hobbies and activities! If she says she likes to get fit, or wants to increase her skills in anything, just keep asking “what’s the point in that?” until you get down to the answer “I don’t know”, “There doesn’t have to be a point” or “because I enjoy it”.

Dreaming can be so satisfying.

At least for me, I can satisfy so many parts of me in my normal dreams. If I am in love, I can talk to the beloved person in my dreams, spend hours with her and it’s so realistic.
Some of my dreams are like a satisfaction of a secret sense, they give me something what misses in real life. Hard to describe.

Why should you go to sleep and do nothing? I mean, in an LD you can do anything you want in the comfort of your own bed… sounds great to me :happy:

I agree with everything said up above. The point in LDing is to experience things in a completely new way. Your imagination is full of incredible ideas and thoughts. When they are turned into visuals, theres so much you could do and enjoy. I know I sound confusing, but that’s how I feel ^^

When you think hard enough nothing has a point, just live life to its fullest. alot of you’r life you will be sleeping so why not do stuff then as well. IE lucid dreaming.

I want the day to go by fast so I can hurry up and dream.

Dreams can be a way to play, experiment, study for tests (I’ve heard it works), fly, and stuff mentioned above that I probably didn’t read. :tongue:

you are completely right. Well, it just feels sometimes that we are all wasting our time. Every night, we do these excercises on top of other things to induce LDs… how do we know it isn’t just luck that we have LDs? that because we think about LDing we have LDs? what my friend was saying was “why do you waste your time on tecniques?”. She says that if you are fulfilled in life then you wouldn’t HAVE to LD. I don’t agree but…it just got me thinking.

I agree with Roxas, but, even with all of the fulfillment, no one is completely fulfilled :wink: honestly, we are always desiring something, that is the essence of the human race, desire, without desire we wouldn’t inch a single finger in life…anywho…I think even if you had a great “fufilled” life, you would still want to fly over a city, and stand on the clouds watching people walk the sidewalks, or do something fun that you can’t do in real life. :tongue:

Oh come on, this is becoming too serious, its all just FUN. During the day, we have many things to do, in LD we can relax from everything, even if for a few seconds only…

Every time i dream or have a lucid dream its makes me happy :tongue: spesialy if i rember it good, then i got something to think about to during the day HEHE :cool:
But think about it, if you are lucky you can see things during a dream that no one in the world! have ever seen before even if it just a dream its like going to a place where no one have ever been before(kinda hard to explain). Try making some music in the next dream you have. just hear how creative the brain is when ur dreaming