This morning I awoke at 5:00 am and found mysef trying to go back to sleep. I was lying on my back and something weird happened. Instead of falling back to sleep I began to feel my body become lighter and weaker to the point where I couldn’t move. It was frightening to the point where I tried to scream. When I screamed or thought I was screaming I could hear these loud screams in my head that were so loud it startled me. I know it was all in my mind because there could have been no way that i screamed because I would have awoken someone in the house. Also during this I experienced a feeling of some force holding me down. I also could hear the sound of trumpets and as my body relaxed more and more the trumpets began to get louder and so did my screams. It felt like I was conciously going into a nightmare. I fought it off and I awoke.
That sounds like a common SP (sleep paralysis) experience. With that, you can even hallucinate anything that even doesn’t exist at all especially with sounds. When you are in a SP, it can easily be turned into a terrifying experience by panicking. In this stage, your mind is still awake in a way, but it can make everything seem so real. That screams that you heard could be called high-pitched sound that can be heard in SP especially before you enter a dream world.
You could use SP to enter a dream world like a WILD technique. I do that all the time. You should try. It is fun!
Hopefully that was a helpful suggestion. Good luck!
yes sounds like the average SP to me too, and when you tried to scream ur mind was still in a sleepy stage so instead of screaming IRL only your mind screamed.