Donnie Darko illustrated an idea that every action taken is either done out of love or fear
Love -------------------x----------------- Fear
and so , i have noticed lately , how many of my actions are love based, and how many fear based ?
Donnie Darko illustrated an idea that every action taken is either done out of love or fear
Love -------------------x----------------- Fear
and so , i have noticed lately , how many of my actions are love based, and how many fear based ?
It was Donnie Darko that said that ? ^^
I haven’t watched the movie in quite some time.
Yet, I fully agree.
How many is different for each person , of course.
The more you act from love , trust and gratitude, and less from fear, hate, and anger, the better.
Fear is the opposite of love , not hate.
Yeah, my Mom always says fear is the root of anger.
People get angry out of fear, like say your brother took your toy or whatever, you get angry because your afraid he’s going to do it again, is her example.
caffeine puts me in fear / conflict mode
i was sitting in my car learning to do throat singing,
and i hear this THUMP
and i open my eyes and a kitti cat is on my hood looking into my eyes, curious as can be about my commotion
i want the kitti! i thought it was a gift from the heavens for sure, it made me laugh with joy
if i were not fearful (there were males with very masculine disrespectful energy doing tomfoolish things in a house nearby but had just left, but gave me bad vibes and i gave them right back!)
i would have gone around whistling and singing and making noise for all the neighbors to (maybe) hear, to find this kitti, like being a kitti sonar
it has got to change, i need to be peaceful and serene,
maybe never again caffeine?
I stopped consuming drugs some time ago, all kinds of drugs, caffeine is included of course.
My need for them is completely gone. Not because I derived myself from it, but simply because I don’t need it anymore.
but that’s just me …
I was addicted to caffeine a long time ago but now I dont consume it at all.
About my actions I use love in most of them, I cant let fear control me Its because I care about other people.
Yes, but I know a quote by Yoda: “fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.” That means that in the end you are gonna feel miserable
love and fear, though at the other end of the spectrum, are really closely related. I don’t quite know how to put across what I want to say in the subject, but… yeah. That’s my tuppence
To be honest, I have to say what Donnie said in the movie.
There’s the entire spectrum of human emotion, it’s not all love and fear. You can’t just think of those two and forget everything else.
Some of the other emotions may be related to those two, but what of the others? What about callousness?
People who are not scared of the people they step on, yet crush them underfoot anyway. That’s not an act of fear, nor is it an act of love. Where would this be classified?
What about a person who starts a fight with another for no real reason? It isn’t fear, for they have no reason to be scared, nor a reason to fight, and it’s definately not an act of love.
What about every other meaningless occurence in life? Not acts of fear and not acts of love, nor any of the emotions that come forth due to love and fear, but something else altogether.
To say everything is born of love and fear is just wrong, in my opinion. The world is merely chaos, unfeeling, unnecessary chaos.
Interesting. It made me sit back and think about certain actions that I’ve done latelly. And what emotions caused them.
Yeah, I agree on that.
love and fear meaning the two highest and lowest emotions
emotions are what cause us to take actions
there is a more sophisticated chart
from Abraham - Hicks
you will also note that the origin of communication (language, consciousness) stems out of social interaction, and these interactions are either love oriented or fear oriented, for in a cluster where only 5 people exist, their actions towards each other ought harmonize in the spectrum of love, as shall their langauge
as more and more people exist, there is less unity and the language can become coarse, and at this point the unity between body / mind and speech / art is lost, and words have a tendency to be used without a comprehension of the power attached to them
this is why people invent a new language when they talk to babies and animals and children, and why this language, if you talk in it with your lover or friends, reconnects you immediately to a higher vibration.
this is also why in english speaking American different dialects and methods of self expression exist
some are boisterously masculine, some are totally feminine,
some are completely laid back, some are hyperactive,
some are spacey, some are whimsical.
this goes into the stereotypes ,
when one is in a state of very pure emotion the quality of their expression breaks down, they may not be able to speak, and if they do it may resemble crying or have to come out in an all-together new language,
this is why jazz emerged out of slavery, and hwy it is so … real!
Donnie Darko told the teacher to forceably insert the fear/love lifeline into her anus.
yes, his role was to destroy evil
however they still taught us a lesson by inserting this emotion line into the film , it goes both ways!
and it was funny at the time
I understand. In fact, I was thinking about this earlier today. The dependency comes from your state of consciousness, and the highest state that you’ve learned to achieve. The state that many people in, before they learn the way out and above it, is what is considered normal for people: There may be many dissatisfactions in their lives, and their still preoccupied with the worries of their minds in a way that they seek to lower their state of consciousness through drugs to numb the effects of their agonizing minds.
Once a person has learned to be above this “normal” state of consciousness, by breaking away from the chains of the mind and losing this dissatisfaction, the concept of drugs and alcohol is no longer alluring: By being truly content with this higher state of awareness, going back down to a lower one such as that is no longer appealing. I’ve had this experience, although I never have had a particular drive for it anyway. But now it’s even weakened. Over the past year I’ve dealt with this shift in awareness and I’ve grown by accepting pain and simply being aware of it until it has dissolved. I am now much more content and free of worries than I ever have been.
The most that I can hope for is that someone will understand what I’m talking about. I know not everybody is at this point in their spiritual evolution, and they may not be there even in this lifetime. But I’m sure that there are plenty who are.
A ha! But love versus fear! I almost forgot where I was! This is not a new concept for me, and I’m glad someone brought it up. It’s wonderful to talk about and experience. Actions done out of fear are often negative and unsatisfactory, that’s for sure. For instance, I might be at a social gathering and fear that no one may like me. In that case, an ego-based reaction will take place in which I either try to hide away and be unnoticed, staying in my shell, or I may try to hard to be liked, perhaps making a fool of myself! Indeed I have had both experiences in the past! But both are unsatisfactory: I don’t want to hide in the corner, that’s unpleasant. I also don’t want to make a fool out of myself, for then my plan to be liked may even backfire and I shall only be embarrassed! Neither is a good course of action!
But, what if instead of fearing such people, I project love and goodwill to them? The world becomes a much friendlier place, just based on that change in attitude! And, when I truly love them all, I forget about myself and my ego. I may treat them with kindness, just for kindness’ sake! And my love shall be reflected back to me, thus beginning a cycle of love from person to person. We shall truly become a community.
i walked around people today
relV is right, all emotions are love,
this is a liberating inSight.
Hey Sonia
I would first like to point out the fact I am surprised I haven’t noticed you till now.
Generally, I can agree. With some differences , that is.
If we’re already on the subject, I would like to point out that I was heavily addicted to lots of drugs. Some of them illicit. Many people today that run into me, find it impossible to believe that I don’t consume any drugs, let alone cigarettes and coffee. I feel as if they think I’m hiding something from them.
The one thing my mind is pondering upon these days is sugar.
I shall stop consuming sugar as well quite soon.
It has a major influence of our consciousness, but because the ‘high’ we get from it is so accepted and familiar to everyone, almost all people tend to overlook it.
More than the familiarity we have with the ‘high’ it gives us,
most people are simply completely unfamiliar with the state of being sober (not under the effects of sugar).
Only after not consuming sugar for a couple of months, one can appreciate the fog he has been experiencing.
For your comments on fear and love.
Yes, truly , learning to love all those people , just that change of attitude, will surely make the whole event a lot more meaningful, empowering and joyful.
But, in order to experience those emotions, one has to change oneself.
To change his core being.
You can’t pretend to be loving.
You can’t try to be loving.
You are what you are.
You can talk nicer to people, and treat everyone better, sure… And it’s surely a very good , positive, beneficial trait as well.
But the work needs to be on changing ourselves, in making us more love. not more loving, but more love.
In terms of the light analogy I previously gave, in which love is the source of light, the pure light in the center of the lightbulb (can be likened to unified field from which everything comes into existence), we are all a part of that light source, we are all pixels of that source, with us as pixels meaning the pixels as our pure consciousness=love and the whole light as the pure universal consciousness=love.
All we see and experience in the relative universe is just a manifestation of that one pure absolute light.
Therefore, as we become more and more aware of that side of us, of our pure selves, of our pure consciousness, of the love side of us, we become more and more love, not loving, but love. As a natural result, as a mere side effect, we become more loving. We do not only act ‘better’ towards our friends, family, co workers and all that we interact with, we simply become more and more admiring of everything. Our love for everything grows, for animals, plants, objects, for the air we breathe, for the water we drink, for the thoughts we have , for the pain we go through, for the ignorance of ourselves and others, for the harm people are throwing our way, for all that is.
That is the development of consciousness.
The state of ‘enlightenment’ therefore speaks of of being in complete harmony, understanding and realization (therefore is it also known as self-realization) of that part of us, actually of the pure us. It is a state of pure unconditional love, in which you cannot judge anything, you cannot do anything but love all that is.
I am happy you had an insight !
I wish you to become and more happy and content with every breath you take
From what I can tell this topic is talking about polarity, opposite…
The opposite of fear is courage.
The opposite of love is pain.
Must anger comes from pain= hurt feelings. Someone said, did, ment, something that came against u or what u believe in. Hurting ur feelings, morals, believes.
As I’ve been told and remains true. What u concentrate on feeds what becomes your reality.
What do u choose?
To me love=acceptance. You must love YOURSELF before you can LOVE. Once you love yourself(accept yourself) you can love everyone(accept). Love thy enemy or accept the enemy. Its like living in the now and accepting the now. There maybe things you don’t agree with like wars or poverty but instead of hating and denying it we should accept it. By doing this nothing escapes us and we are able to respond accordingly and everything seems perfect. Life seems perfect and we feel a part of the perfection instead of being separate.
Accept it? Thats what Im having a hard time doing right now. Which is why Im more in the fear then the love. Any tips on how to except it, or atleast start to accept life for what it is, and not what I wish it were.
I’m afraid I cant help you much unless you explain or give me reasons as to why you are having trouble accepting life or what is bothering you. You can PM me if you think its too personal… and of course talking to someone always helps.
But it general people need to just let go, not give up but to let go of the need and greed. By letting go you become aware of how we really are not in control in the first place,not to say that we are not in control of our lives but that somethings just happen so expect the unexpected, just simply release the grip from delusion.
Quit focusing on the negative in everything, have a positive attitude because it enables to accept loss, grief, and pain. When we accept these emotions we are able to acknowledge other emotions as well. By doing so we are able to see the source of our pain or what not and find a way through it.
supposing there were dreamers ,
and they wished to dream something
as a lucid dreamer, you can stay in your own dream,and bring others into it, have them play with you ,
kava ,
use your mind ,
by thinking on purpose ,
rather than having habits present themselves to you as emotional thoughts ,
play pretend, play with action figures, day-dream, envision goodness
and let other people do what they will,
from right now, as an eraser, you can make your mind void , and put in it what you want to exist and happen
you simply tell yourself stories about your future, and then you see your honest self and its desires.
but most essentially, play with the present moment, sing a goofy song, be a child, find a feeling of satisfaction, take satisfaction from simple things, like watching a children’s movie, or doing whatever it is you wish to, that you currently CAN,