Love in Dreams

every emotion love ?

can you go on about this more

i can see how every emotion is connected to love (but everything is everything)

it seems that what LOVE really is is not widely accessed by us yet , because my conception of it is so thorough that its an ocean you swim in and can never get out, but you find out you can breathe underwater, and it makes everything okay,

i look to my understanding of a yogi in deep samadhi

Well as I said,

I think I cannot explain better than I did with the light analogy.

Let’s liken a state of pure exhilarating love to pure white shining light.

Now there’s all kinds of lightnings, you can be in a room with a dim hazy light. (we can liken this to doubt)

You could be at a party with changing colors and cheery atmosphere, (maybe this with satisfaction or maybe passion…)

you could be outside in the sunlight, or perhaps the moonlight, (we could liken this to joy)

you could be sitting in a very dark forest, (let’s liken this to fear)

you could be in a rock concert on a stage with immense lights coming at you (could liken this to being ecstatic happiness)

But all the lightnings are essentially the same.

All the colors are inside a drop of white light, and all the different degrees of light, well, they’re just different degrees of light.
From one piece of pure one light, you create all the different sets and atmospheres.
It has everything inside of it.
All the different atmospheres, lightnings etc, are just different modifications of pure light itself. What is really the darkness in the forest ? It’s just a place where very little light is present, but still, a degree of light. And what’s the colors in the party ? Again, modification of the same white pure light.
The pure white light, the pure light, the source of light in the bulb itself, is the love.
It is the source and the creator of all different colors and lightnings.
The darkness in the forest isn’t really darkness.
What is darkness?
It’s the absence of light, or a low degree of light.
But still, it’s just a degree of love, you can’t measure the blackness, you can only measure the little light it has in it. The doubt (in the hazy dim room) isn’t really doubt, its just a certain modification of love. Love (light) is still the only thing present in the room (emotion) yet you are aware of the overall picture.
So that’s it for you, it’s all love, at different modifications.

So when someone shows signs of hate, you see a dark room, but don’t be mistaken, it is only some degree of light.
Complete darkness is the absence of light. It does not exist in and of itself.
Don’t look at the darkness, see the light, as little as it may be in your friend. Make that light shine stronger and stronger and you will light the room.
We all have that lightbulb inside us. That lightbulb is what connects us to everything else, it is the essence of us, it is the pure us, the non-relative, absolute us. The ‘god’ us.
Therefore ‘god’ ( I dislike using this word very much) is love , is light. and it is in all of us. All of the universe we see is just a modification of that ever-present, never changing light.
Imagine a huge lightbulb, imagine the source of the light itself, not the bulb.
That source, that pure light, is ‘god’, the unified field, or whatever you want to call it.
Every bit in that light (‘god’) is one of us, not only humans, but everything that exists. This light is pure consciousness, pure love.
As it is shining, you see lots of things, it gives rise to purple , green, red and blue colors, to dim areas and to bright areas, and if you go very far, you could almost see complete darkness, but the only thing that’s present will still be the very same, every present light, emanating from that light bulb, the pure love.

Hope this makes it clearer ^^

… and now back on topic :grin: but if you do want to continue to discuss just pm me and I will move these two posts to form a new topic in lounge :moogle:

So, a while ago I became interested in LD’ing and lost interest.

But lately, I’ve been getting dreams about being in love with a perfect non-existent girl (can’t recall any specific things about her after I wake up) and about seemingly perfect friendships with non-existent people. After I wake up and recall it, even though the memory is vague and incomplete, I get this lonely, somewhat painful (don’t know what to call it :tongue: ) feeling and I want to be in the dream again.

Has anyone ever experienced a thing like this? :neutral:


i have been with a lover in every dream for days and days

what do I make of this ?

I wish to be with her for real.

Who knows, maybe you’ll end up finding him IRL, but don’t get to excited…even if you’re lucky enough to find you’re DL in RL, it doesn’t mean you’re meant to be together. It just means a pretty coincidence

All the time. It hurts to know you might not find such friendship and love doesnt it…

I’ve had dreams about IRL friends who I like (in that way), and possibly with some imaginary DC’s who resembled said friends.
Whenever I have a dream that I’m with someone I like, it feels weird, like a basic liking that simplifies everything and just plainly makes me happy. It makes me want to be with the person in real life, even though in these dreams we’re usually not doing anything that should bring out these emotions.