Low LD

Hi this is my first post, and i came here because someone I was chatting to someone about LD and they told me about this forum. First off I dont have much trouble LDing, just the type of LD that I have. Most of my dreams are lucid (to a point) withut me having to try, when I am trying i use the dream image technique in the form of a watch on my wrist that is a bright, glowing happy face (something noteiceable since I almost always see my hands in dreems and a big glowy happy face watch just aint right, so that should get me thinking)

What I try to do is once realizing I am LDing (by the sign or just knowing) Is have a door appear on a wall and the door leads to a room with more doors, all leading to different things i would want to LD about. My problem is that i seem to Light LD (at least that seems closest to what I experience) and cant get past realizing that I am dreaming.

Once I realize I am dreaming I can ONLY influence MY actions in the same dream, and the door I attempt to create either does not appear or leads to something having to do with this dream. My experiences are then only slightly more realistic, and I can only experience a little sensation (ex: feel touching something but not what it is like ‘ex: soft, hard, smooth rough’ Or sensations like eating, I feel myself eating but no taste, unfortunatly I have had an experience of feeling very sick in one dream :razz:

Idealy I would like to be able to dream about whatever I want once I realize that I am dreaming, but as it is i cant even influence the current dream, just my actions in it.

Anyone have any tips/ideas on how I can improve the quality/control in my LD’s?


I tend to have the same problem really. The problem is we’re thinking too logically. For example:

I’ve been wanting to fly for a while now, but I haven’t been able to do it. My mind believes the law of gravity, so I’m afraid I’ll fall and crack my head open if I jump off a building.

One thing I do have, however, is the ability to taste and touch. This is one of the ‘logical’ things that comes into my noggin, so I guess that’s why I’m able to do it.

I suppose we’ll both have to work on convincing our heads otherwise. There is NO gravity, we CAN fly. :cool:

Welcome to the forum btw! :wave: You might want to introduce yourself in ‘The BIG “Hi, I’m New Here”’ topic in the Gathering. :grin: