Lucid and Wet dreams

So the main reason i want to have a lucid dream is to control myself and have sexual intercourse because i don’t seem to have any wet dreams, so I have 2 questions

  1. Can you have sex in a lucid dream?
  2. Does masturbating affect having sex? Like if i masturbated before i slept, will it reduce or eliminate the chances of me lucid dreaming and having sex?

Yes, you can have sex in a lucid dream, but with all the excitement, it is very easy to wake up. In my opinion it isn’t worth the risk, considering you can do anything conceivable in a lucid dream.

And I have no idea how to answer the second question, primarily because I don’t want to, but also because data reflecting the relationship between masturbation and dreaming has been removed from this website.

Why do you care what others dream? It’s completely private. There’s no shame in it, pleasure is motivation enough. At least it’s honest, which is more than can be said for most things and people these days.

sure :smile: I sometimes find it better when it isn’t lucid because at the time you truly believe that it is real but sadly it isn’t :sad:
I would say work on your dream recall because you may well be having dream about that but are not remembering them maybe.
and also I wouldn’t try for this straight away until you are quite comfortable with LD because since you’re not very good at it (no offense I’m not either :tongue:) you might wake yourself up from the excitment.

So yes it is very possible but very hard for you