Lucid Challenge # 17

i went lucid last night :grin: and for moore than thirty seconds, it was strange though i had no control over my dream but i still kneew i was dreaming :eh:

[spoiler]i was on a ice berg in the middle of the ocean, i was sitting on the icebergs edge and near me was a trophy, that i could easily reach, but it ws about to fall off the iceberg, a person next to me kept trying too reach it but he couldnt for some reason. i asked if i could get it for him, he said i couldnt because i didnt work for the hotel, than he remembered i did. so he let me get the trophy, he told me to bring it up the the owner of the hotel, i looked and in the middle of the iceberg there was a giant hotel with a maniac looking out a window on the top floor, i walked into the hotel and the trophy transformed into a small book and a big book, the small book was blue and the big one was a pale orange, i remember also that the little one was about yoga and the big one was about wedding dresses.
i went into the hotel and saw a friend of mine who goes to my church henceforth known as michal. we walked up to the second floor and saw that there was i huge arcade we went up to the second floor and saw a huge vidio game store :woo: we walked up too the third floor and my friend disapeered we were suddenly at my cottages top floor :eh:.
i was about to walk into the bedroom when two indian people stopped me a boy and a girl (i didnt know these people in real life) i gave the girl the books as a wedding present and her father married us, strangly my view cut to a giant keyboard and if i wanted to say something i had to type it.
i relized that this wasnt right and that i was dreaming, :happy: i couldnt dom anything though because all i could see was a giant keyboard and i couldnt talk, so i typed randome phrases into the keyboard and my new wifes voice would say them at high speed back to me this went on for a while because there was nothing else to do.
i woke up and was no longer lucid, but i was at an nba game (i remember chris bosh and kevin garnett so it was probaly raptors vs celtics) i watched for a while and then i woke up again, this time i had been daydreaming in the mddle of a tennis match, i was playing my brother, after a long and close game he won, there was then a montage of him becomeing a world class tennis chapion[/spoiler]

I think I put a jinx on myself by saying I would be last…

I can’t remember any dreams from last night. :meh:

The ld must have been more than 15 seconds, it takes longer than that to walk between those two houses.

No proper recall last night, only loose fragments about typing.

Im sorry I didnt post this earlier :razz: I needed to hurry to Aeroseum today :smile: but I asked the question :tongue: dream

Thanks Siiw :wink:

Well done Ghostie and Daniel. :ok:

Aw Moogle, bad Juju. :sad:

Have better luck with this next one. :yes:

No dreams about the universe and no LDs… :sad:
but, my dream recall is getting better :smile:

Tonight though, I will be little like a stuffed animal, yes!

EDIT: 42! (post number)

I got nothing. :sad:

Right … changed my desktop to help :happy:
click for image

Hahaaaaa omg that is so cool! :woo:
Good idea Moogle!

I wonder how small :moogle: s are anyway? :hmmm:

No LD’s last night, I had one ND where ants featured though :tongue: but not related to me or changing into one or shrinking or things that would earn points :tongue:

there was a dream fragment about a boat that was smaller than we thought…and that is all i remember!

I was lucid for 15 minutes plus in Size Matters

Thank you Angelmouse :hugs: because I became lucid due to remembering the challenge.

It was low lucid, so I didn’t think laterally. next time I will use a tablet or food to shrink. Using that water could have made me smaller too

Now :tongue: … do I get any extra points for trying to become smaller? :tongue: I may even have lost a couple of inches without realising it :wink: Also I was ‘technically smaller’ when on all fours in the doorway :tongue:

Well at least I’m not alone :gni: I don’t seem to be incubating anything relating to what I’m trying to :wam:

That’s a fab idea Moogle. I hope it works for you. :ok:

Don’t forget that there are points to be had for Lucidity whether or not it relates to the task.

Mini Countdown :woo: 2 Nights to get really small. :look:

I realised I dreamed once, but it was lower than 10 seconds :crying:

EDIT: I keep my promise, here it is :wink:

Mission accomplished :tongue:

and congrats moogle! heads to your DJ to comment properly

success! Thank you angelmouse! :tongue: If it wasn’t for you, I would have become small for no reason, and not become lucid. :biggrin:

here is the dream.

Wow. Some really cool dreams coming out of this task. :colgate:

Moogle, I’m sure we can stretch to an extra 10 points for being in the right context same goes for yours Ghostie. :yes:

pasQuale :clap: What more can I say? :cool_laugh:

1 Night remaining to achieve ultimate tinyness.

Good Luck to the rest of us.

no shrinking dreams last night. preparing for the next challenge :tongue:

No lucid dream, but i saw a model of my dream self that was ca. 10 cm tall.

uäääääää, I didnt have any dreams of being small :sigh: I wish I had better luck.

Its the summertime that makes it difficult :wallhit: