Lucid Challenge # 17

Tyrael: I’m so sorry I missed you off the acolade list yesterday. Because I’d posted in your DJ I thought I’d done it here too. Please to forgive. :bow: Your Amoebafication was nothing short of outstanding. :clap:

I made a task :slide: Sadly all I can remember from it is that I was a Toddler. That’s mainly because I was wonken up by one screaming to get up. :ack:

Ok, to the points.

pasQuale: 40 points for shrinkage and 30 for Lucidity. Total: 165 points
Moogle: 30 points for Lucidity and 10 points for being in the correct context. Total: 40 points
Tyrael: 40 points for shrinkage, 30 points for Lucidity and 25 bonus points for Amoebafication. Total: 95 points
Ghostie: 30 points for Lucidity and 10 points for correct context. Total: 100 points
Siiw: 10 points for correct context. Total: 40 points
Danielns13: No score this task. Total: 30 points

I know there’s at least one more to be posted yet winks at EbilShrimp so lets have 'em. :tongue:

Right then onwards and backwards…in time that is. :clock:

17.3 Change an important moment in history.

Points for:

Arriving at an historical moment. 20 points
Changing that moment. 30 points
Sticking around to witness the outcome. 40 points
Bonus points if you change a significant moment in your own personal history. 25

Who hasn’t thought of doing this to one extent or another? Come on be honest. :content: Now we can go back and see how many different ways we could have done the same thing. A world without money…? Now there’s an idea.

Have fun peoples.

I appologise if I’m not about as much as I should be but we’re moving on Friday so I’m very busy packing. :help:

No shrinking or lucidity for me last night … but one of my DCs became lucid! :thud: … for longer than 30 seconds :tongue:

I really want to become small :cry: but this gives me an idea :razz: Ima enter an LD, then become really small and kill Hitler year 1939 :puh:

Then Ive succeeded :ebil:

:hmmm: I have to think of a historic moment I would want to change. And I really can’t think of anything I would have wanted to change in this life… since all has turned out for the best eventually :content: ponders

no historic dreams…

at one point I sang outloud “de meeste dromen zijn bedrog” (most dreams are fake) (dutch song :tongue: ) and it never crossed my mind to RC! :ack:

I had a ND related to this challenge: clicky

I dreamed that I dressed up as an butterfly…and for a blurry part of the dream I actually was an butterfly…but the task is over so I’m to late anyway…hmm…maybe I can go back in time and change that…

Only 1 night left to change our entire course of history. :clock:

Moogle; how did your DC get Lucid? :eh: scuttles off to read DJ

Nearly there Q :wink:

link to dream
So he just noticed the change in the dream.

Thankyou honey. :content:

I had a lucid dream last night!! And it felt like ten minutes max!!! :woo:

I forgot about the change history challenge :sigh:

Hmm, I almost had a change history dream, or it’s more a case of mistaken identity

I dreamt that a couple of people thought I was Jesus.
We had walked over in the water to an Island, the group of people were maybe 20ish I think.
I remember I had 1 fish with me and I hoped they didn’t want me to share it with them(I remembered the story with Jesus, the bread and fish, where handed it out to thousands of people but I couldn’t multiply food like that).
Luckily noone asked anything about that.
A bit Later, we were climbing up on the mountainlike island, I think some rock fell down, that someone kicked loose or something similar to that.
So you were afraid that you might fall down, but at that moment I heard a young woman say Don’t worry He’s Jesus, which meant as long as I was around noone was going to be hurt.

Mission accomplished :cool:

Also may have done “the mother of invention” Quest at the same time, I realize.

:wolfbite: I envy your ability to WILD so good :cool_raz: now you got 2 LD’s and you completed the task :colgate:

May the LD’s come to you Q :grin:

yep, if we get a task … wonders when Angelmouse will return

The nearest I got to history was a ‘fake’ pterodactyl in my dream :eh:

Oh, on typing up the dream, I even noticed a mention of ‘history’

I was lucid last night for about 10 seconds, but I lost it. I tried rubbing my hands together, but I had a FA and ended up in another dream. :sad:

I had 2 LD’s last night, since there is no task, I did my own task :tongue: Will post them in my DJ. edit: here they are

I hope Angelmouse gets internet going in her new place soon… or we might have to induce a shared LD with her to figure out the next challenge :grin:

Had an LD last night, but it faded as soon I got it :wolfbite:

Dream found here :mrgreen:

This night LD longer than 10 secs :yay:

Linky link :biggrin: