Lucid challenge # 20 - Task 5: Message in a bottle

posted Drya dream now, here :content:

Looking forward to a luau tonight! hears hawaii music

I did it too- a short LD where I started lucid! I’ll go post it in my DJ.

Well, I went to the party, but there wasn’t really anything happening. Not even cookies! :tongue:

link to DJ

I also had a LD last night but had to wake up early and was away the whole day so I couldn’t write it down and forgot a lot of the details :sad:

I was at a white sandy beach with banana trees and coconut trees! Woohoo coconuts! :cool: I think I was on the Cook Islands. I searched for a party but the whole island was deserted, it was only me and my bananas and coconuts. I thought “alright then I’ll have a party on my own!” :mrgreen_hat: I searched the island and found a treasure (no rabbit though :tongue:) I found a bottle of dark Caribbean rum in it. Woot! :woo: I also found a pineapple and started making piña coladas on the beach. I really had fun and sung the song of the lime and the coconut while drinking a lot of cocktails. Being drunk in a LD is sooo cool! :grin: Then everything got blurry :tongue: I do remember lying in the white sand and swinging with my arms up and down(I was trying to make a sand angel lol :lol: )

Does this count as a party too? lol :tongue:

Total points!

Shadow dreamer: 250 +45 (task completed + extra’s) +10 (bonus) +10 (bonus2) +30 = 345
Amaryllis: 255 +15 +10(bonus) +10(bonus2)+ 30 (LD)= 320
Q: 120 + 15 (extra points) +25 (something between because the party wasn’t started yet, lol) +10 (bonus) + 30 (LD) +15 (OOBE)= 215
Legendary dreamer: 180 +30(LD) = 210
Rkr7: 105 +30(LD) +10 (remembering the task)+ 10 (bonus) = 155
Alissa: 75 +40(2 LD’s) + 10 (remembering the task, no bonus cuz you didn’t know which task :wink: ) = 125
Cauli: 105
Download: 30 +30(LD)= 60
Lidybug: 40

WOW, look at all those points!! Very interesting challenge!!

o no, I’m not leading anymore!
must… defeat… shadow dreamer… :wink:

edit: even though I didn’t accomplish the task completely, I still believe my party was the most fun! :gni:

TASK 5 - Message in a bottle

This one is easy for those who went to an island for the hawaii party! With this last task, you have to write a message (don’t forget to put your name under it!), put it in a bottle and throw it in the water, in a river or the sea - cuz other dreamers have to find your message and they can’t find it if you throw it in your own swimming pool. :tongue: Meanwhile you have to find someone else’s bottle with a message.
(I’ll try to have a LD too in which I’ll write a message in a bottle, so it is possible that you can find mine too!)

You remember the task but forget to write a message: +10
You wrote your message but can’t find a bottle (maybe you can throw it like that into the water, you never know someone will find it before it’s gone :shy: ) or can’t find the river/sea: +15
You wrote the message, throw the bottle into the water but can’t find someone else’s bottle (or you have found a bottle but it’s not from a LD4all member): +20
You wrote the message, throw the bottle into the water and find someone else’s bottle but there is no message or you can’t read it: +25
You have found a message in a bottle from a LD4all member, but forgot to make yours: +25
You wrote the message, throw the bottle into the water, find someone else’s bottle with a message and you can read what it says: +35
(+5 for each other message in a bottle you can find.)

+10 if you bring someone else’s bottle with you to the hawaii party. (only for those who have joined this challenge!) Another +10 if the owner of the bottle is there and you can give it back.

Bonus: +10 if you did the task before Friday, 4 Sep, at 18.00 GMT.
Bonus 2: I gave everyone a special gift because it’s the last task! You’ll get +20 if you find yours. It’s packed and has your name on it.

LD: +30 (and +10 for the next ones in the same period, if you were awake in between)
OOBE: +15 (and +5 for the next ones)

Good luck with the last task everyone!

ooo what a cool challenge! :happy:

btw amaryllis, you are not competitive at all as well, are you? :lol: :grin:
mumble now I have to earn at least 130 points to even get at the same level as shadow dreamer, and then hope that neither amaryllis nor shadowdreamer succeeds in doing (parts of) this challenge (highly unlikely :tongue:) and then I have a chance of beating SD or Amaryllis… but i’m not competitive at all so I don’t mind :tongue: :rofl:

Nope absolutely not! that’s why I’m going to combine the next task: first I’m going to have a party and empty a bottle of champagne (by my self :tongue: ), then I’m going to write a message, put it in the bottle and send it away in the sea!

Well Q, maybe you can try it with a lot LD’s? :tongue:
I have this very strange feeling that Amaryllis will be drunk tonight… again! :puh:

tsk tsk, we have minors on this forum as well. No public displays of drunk behaviour! :wink:
(you know, that in the USA for example the legal age to drink is 21 year, as opposed to say, 16 in Holland? (that’s why we are stricter on the international forum).

love the hula smiley!

actually I don’ t know if I have a LD, I have just studied the nervous system and several areas of the brain, maybe those will seep into my dreams… ah well, we’ll see. At least I don’t have to get up so awfully early, that always helps :content:

oops sorry! :shy:

I guess it’s on now… :lol:
So- must… defeat… amaryllis…
This next task will be interesting… I wonder what you sent me, what the message I find will say, who it’s from… and what I should write! :lol:
It’s the last task?! :nuu:
I loved doing this challenge- it made me LD more!! :yay:
[size=9] hmm… lets see, if I LD and do the task completely, I’ll have 410 points… If Amyrillis does it in 3 OBEs, along with bringing it to the hawaii party, she would have 390… and I would win. But if she has an LD and 2 OBEs and does an extra, she would have about 415… Uh oh! I better do it all!
But I’m not competetive. Not at all…[/size] :lol:

1 LD last night. Journaled this lucid dream:

[spoiler]Tuesday, September 1st, 2009 - 1 new lucid dream!
Bah. School. Is. In. Right. Now. So I’m taking a precaution against bad dream recall by writing my dreams down on my iPod touch every morning I have one. The notes application is very useful.

Dream #1: Repel & Rebel - Lucid: YES :biggrin: - Type: DILD
The location was quite a weird one. It was a mixture of a school and my house. The school used my home carpet (colored grey) and had the exact same layout of my house. In the hallway, a short schoolteacher left from his bedroom (Dad’s in waking life). He showed me a March calendar/catalog. I read the text, “March”, and looked back to it. It changed to “Mrach”. I immediately noticed that he was going to try to stop me, so I used the “stop” stance command on him. Unfortunately, it did not work.
The teacher was not fond of me. I then used the attraction stance command on him: it worked! This time the attraction was so strong that it felt like there was a magnetic field around my index finger and a blue sort of magic energy formed around my finger. He was picked up and pulled right into my index finger. By that time he was angry. So he found a table with papers and dark blue-grey envelopes and he threw the paper at me, which hit my attraction stance command. Some of the papers and envelopes then fell, others just kept on floating. I picked up the ones that weren’t floating, and tried a new stance command, which I call the “repel stance command”: You put your left hand out (contrasts the “attraction command”, where you use your right hand) in an attempt to banish the target object. Your hand forms the same sign as the “stop stance command”, as there is a very strong magnetic field that will repel anything, forming around your hand. This will create a magic barrier around your hand (Remember: Magic is in the fingers!).
I picked up the envelopes and papers that were not floating, and I made them float with the rest. I then used the repel stance command, and to an extreme success. The teacher was at the table, and every one of them hit him. The magic barrier that came out of my hand took the colour of purple and the shape of fire (see this video to know what I mean. It is very similar).[/spoiler]

No LD’s or ND’s related to the Task :no:

None… :sad:

1 LD for me. With the task in it. Well, not the whole task. Just searching for the bottle and making my own bottle. I’ll translate it later this day, because i have to go to school. :sad:

I did it too- I can’t post it right now, no time, I’ll post it as soon as I can.

Again: Sorry for my english. Though, this is a pretty good way to practise :woo:

[spoiler]-i’m not posting the entire dream. Because i am not that good in english :grin: )
I am already lucid here:

I’m standing in the garden in front of my house. I rememberd the task before i was standing here. I need to go to the beach, how am i going to do that? In a last LD i had a broomstick to fly with. I found it back then at the front door. I turn around and the broomstick is still standing there.
I grab it and fly of. As i’m going higher and higher i’m thinking of the beach like: When i’m above the houses, there is a beach.
Then i fly above the houses, no beach. I look further and see the beach! Yay! I fly towards it. I’ve never seen so much DCs before at one place! There are a lot of DC’s standing on the sand. However, they are not in the water…
I land and decide to make a bottle. I need a bottle for that :tongue: I see a man who is drinking some beer form a bottle. I grab it and he gets angry. :ebil: I runaway for a while. He’s still chasing me. After a while he is gone.

I use some “magic” for a pen and a paper. I write down: Hi i am alissa! (the rest i forgot….) I trow the bottle with the note into the sea and watch it float away.

Then i decide to search for someone else’s bottle. I look around but find no bottle…[/spoiler]

Alissa, don’t fret about your english, you have quite good english actually :wink: