Had two NDs here this morning. Both were very nicely detailed
I can remember 9 ND s from the last days & I found Zack ( DC ) in 2 of them (yay!) but sadly, I WASN’T LUCID, lol, so I must keep trying to achieve my personal goal of meeting him in a LD he he
Regarding the tasks about the space things, I haven’t made a single one! Not LD s for now & im not one to usually dream about space at all, ha ha~:joy:
Non-lucid dream of being at a party. No tasks done, but I’ll claim the points for ND recall.
I can also recall a couple of fragments, but I won’t bother posting them or trying to claiming an extra point for them.
Had three NDs yesterday, and then another 3 NDs today and fragments. I typed up today’s ND’s but not yesterday because /me yawns and stuff
No LC tasks yet.
I had a couple LDS two nights ago, both of which ended up with me driving cars faster than physically possible. No tasks completed, so no points for me.
I’m looking forward to having some of world adventures in the coming nights. I’ve been letting myself stare at the stars a lot more lately…
I didn t make it on the first night, but I had a LD on the second one with tasks. I didn t know about the non lucid dream scoring points so I just can recall the ones from this morning now.
I m not going to write my normal dreams, because I don t enjoy writing them as much as LDs, and don t want to post my whole dream life online . I will write when I have fragments or fully recall them though.
Start from the earth and go to space.
Travel fast through space.
SPOILER - Click to view
1.4 -
2.4 - 1 Medium LD
3.4 -
4.4 - 4 Normal Dreams (fully recalled)
5.4 -
6.4 -
7.4 -
@DTDownUnder - Just confirming that this is your chosen ‘difficulty’ setting - that you’re not claiming any points for LDs unless you do a task?
@Koal44 - Nice lucid, shame about the gf snoring!
Nice work everyone, I don’t have time to respond to you all individually but have been enjoying reading the linked DJ entries.
Yesterday two dreams (nightmares )
Today none
Had two stressful days, maybe I’ll have more luck now being focused again.
Yep, spot on.
I saw Zack in a LD this morning!! FINALLY!!
But im not claiming the points for the personal goal achievement because I couldn’t speak with him as I wanted [my sister’s DC got scared of him because she thought that he was a ghost (quite fun if you realize that she isn’t scared of ghosts at all in RL , lol) & had to take care of her because I don’t like to see any of my DC s crying or scared… Sadly I woke up after that ]
I had 2 FA s in the same dream, thanks to heaven for RC s haha! Here you can read the LD, sorry if my english is messy, im not a native english speaker, ha ha:
spoiler Morning. Dad comes to my house telling me that im late for an appointment with the doctor. I tell him that I didn’t ate anything yet but he tolds me that my mom made something for me to eat.
(2) Im on my parents’ house & I realize that im using my pijamas instead of common street clothes, I start asking myself how in the world I didn’t realize that I wasn’t dressed before leaving my house??
My sister comes & tells me that mom left before making something to eat, and that she’s very hungry (she looks really young; like 11/12 y.o) I smile & tell her that I can cook something for us, so I go to the kitchen and I can see a huge storm smashing against the front door of the house.
I see a little fire starting into the garden but the heavy rain makes it end in a few seconds. Im very upset because I don’t want to go to the doc with that awful storm upon us, so I think: “Maybe this is a dream & I can stop it with my thoughts?”
[color=blue](3 LD ) It works! I go outside & it’s sunny. Everything looks sharp & realistic. I thought about searching for Zack & a cute cat with golden fur appears in front of me. I follow it into the next house’s roof and I saw Zack standing upon it; he’s smiling and his whole body shines? I ask myself if that happens because of the sunlight? But it looks like a kind of personal shine.
He extends his hand to me & I take it, climbing into the roof with him. But he dissapears!! I try to search for him without results, I try to fly buy I can’t. I feel really heavy & I can start to hear a storm coming.[/color]
(4 FA ) I woke up in my parents’ house (dinneroom again) everything looks like a mess, there are things everywhere! My sister is sitting near me, she’s using black clothes & tells me that “she was waiting for me”, I tell her about Zack but she transforms into a creepy doll without head!
[color=blue](5 LD ) I realize im dreaming so I watch my cellphone to see if the date/time of the day is correct. It says “8th July” and I laugh after remembering that we really are on 4th April in RL , Im surprised when looking around, I say to myself " RC s are really cool, because this looks a lot like RL !"
I walk towards the front door & it’s raining again, so I say “ENOUGH WITH THE RAIN!” & it stops. I can see the golden cat in the garden & I ask him to take me with Zack again. The kitty walks towards a big tree that we have outside so I try to fly towards the upper place; but something strange happens: now im in two places at the same time; still in the floor & floating upon the tree~ I try to “reunite” the two “me’s” but it seems very hard to make![/color]
[color=green](6 FA ) I woke in my parents’ house once again. My sister tells me to dress quickly because we really need to go to the doctor’s office. I need to go to the bathroom, so I enter but the toilet looks like the wash machine?? I ask my sister about it & she tells me that “it has been always like this? Are you OK??”
Im confused, I wander through the house until I came to the front door again. The storm is smashing it so hard that its almost broken![/color]
[color=blue](7 LD ) I become lucid & I extend my hands towards the door to stop the storm. It works. I call Zack and I hear him laughing outside, I try to go with him but the door starts to open & close by itself with a lot of strenght!
My sister comes crying & telling me that she’s scared because she saw a strange man outside, I try to convince her that he isn’t dangerous but she keeps crying about him being a ghost. I feel bad about her & I embrace her trying to make her calm.[/color]
~I slowly start to wake up (but this time for real! ), I can hear the TV in my house & I start to gain control of my body, that feels numb & heavy.[/spoiler]
Had 1 fragment, 1 ND and one LD here this morning. All of which were intense in realism and were very nicely detailed
^^ Two very cool lucids there.
James & Lady Yomi, as you didn’t specify a length for your lucid dreams I have put them down on the scores as ‘Medium’ although they both seem to be quite long particularly with the FA/RC regaining lucidity in Lady Yomi’s dream. Let me know what you feel the lucid dream length was compared to your average.
Also, let me know if either of you want to claim dream control points as Lady Yomi did a couple of things like make the rain stop, and James you had a cool transformation.
Claiming for fragments and 1 ND last night. In the ND I was at a “Geek Con”, and ate a cupcake with sparkly gold glitter stars all over it. Does that count for eating a star? It sure tasted sparkly
/me grumbles
Well I guess that’s as close as you’re likely to get to eating a star in a non-lucid dream. Have some points.
Yes! Medium is fine! I’ve had longer LD s! — OH! I totally forgot about dream control! It would be nice to have some points for that (because that storm was pretty stubborn!)
Sorry for the lack of info about dream-lenght & dream-control before! Im going to try to remember that the next time! Ah! And I would like to claim points for 3 ND I had today (my dream recall is improving!), they were long but not a hint of lucidity or space things for now, he he.
Everyone is doing well
I had one normal dream and one long lucid dream tonight, didn’t remember any of the tasks again so I won’t post them.
I had a nice short LD in which I ate a star. Added it to my Week 1 post, too.
I laughed too hard at the title [color=blue]“Stars taste like disappointment”[/color] congrats for making it!
@JimMorrison - If you’re having trouble recalling tasks I’d recommend just focusing on a single one and throughout the day or whenever you think about dreaming consider what steps you would take to complete the task if you realised you were dreaming right then. If that makes sense. It’d be cool to read your lucids even if you didn’t do a task, you could even claim dream control points for demonstrating other powers while lucid…
@En’enra - You got a dud star. Maybe it needed a while for the power to be absorbed? I always try and get the fast-acting ones with caffeine!
Congrats on the lucid. Well written, as always. I gave control points for the splitting-the-sky method of turning day to night since that’s awesome and I now want to try it myself.
Week 1 tasks remain current until week 2 is posted which will be around 11.30 UTC/GMT Friday 7th April. (Week 1 tasks will still be worth points you just don’t get the early bonus.) Best of luck everyone, you got this!
Three non-lucid dreams, in which I summon a demon, go to a Donald Trump press conference, and one about throwng coins (as in Tim Stoppard’s Rosencranz and Guildenstern are Dead).
(A few days ago, there was a joke on the internet abiut whuch film director would be the best choice for a Donald Trump biopic. I don’t think anyone suggested Dario Argento… my apolgies for the intrusion of politics into my dream journal!)
No tasks done, but I’ll claim the points for the non-lucid dreams.