Lucid Challenge 59 - Winner - Tggtt

1 Long ND that had nothing to do with the LC, and 1 fragment that had to do with me telling Mew I had a long ND that had nothing to do with the LC.

Because you know, SC gotta troll. :woah:

1 ND + 1 DILD this morning - LINK TO DJNo task achieved I guess, not sure if I get any point for the LD itself

Good afternoon!

Differential post from previous.
I hope you like it. :peek:

SPOILER - Click to view

Tuesday: Added 3 NDs, 1 short LD.
Tried personal goal but it did not go as planned.

I blame the stalkers. :lol:

Lucidity Challenge 59 Signups (Name - Personal Goal)

  1. Eilatan - Hug Hatake Kakashi
  2. AreYouME -Flight
  3. GenghisKhan - Morph into a lifeless object
  4. James_UK2008 - Transform into an Orc
  5. Lady Yomi - Stop the giant wave when it arrives
  6. DTDownUnder - Find the name of the great stallion.
  7. Prospero - Climb to the top of a certain mountain.
  8. Mew151 - Dream of Cornelia
  9. Ysim - Force a day/night change
  10. Susan_Y - See a tree
  11. Tggtt - Test at least one of my inventions in my underground lab.
  12. Majah - Explore a mirror
  13. Cornelia - Dream of C̶o̶r̶n̶e̶l̶i̶a̶ Miu

I, like Miu, would also like to dream of Cornelia… uh… I mean of Miu. :razz:

Anyways, I meant to sign up on Sunday, but I got distracted by Life™. So… I hope my dreams I had this morning count?

No Privacy ~ Non-Lucid Dream
Video Game Maze ~ Short Lucid Dream

Personal Scoreboard:

[spoiler]NLDs: 1
Short LDs: 1

1 ND, no tasks done.

I’m all caught up on my DJ now. I realized I hadn’t said it before, but the LC starting lined up perfectly with the beginning of the Level 4 of my DJ.

(Signature is also a link, by the way)

Good day!

Differential post from previous.
I hope you like it. :peek:

SPOILER - Click to view

Wednesday: Added 3 NDs, 1 ultra short LD.
Too short to do anything.

I blame my neighbors. :eh:

2 fragments this morning, no tasks.

Fragment (about writing in my DJ of all things, which made waking up to a blank DJ page fairly disappointing), and 1 ND.

No tasks/goals/quests completed last night.

3 NLDs and a Fragment this morning… That wasn’t a Fragment until I went to type it up and couldn’t really remember much of what happened… Like… nothing… :sad:

Advertisement Photoshoot ~ Non-Lucid Dream
Monster Fragment ~ Fragment
Desktop Turns ~ Non-Lucid Dream
Some Dogs and Siiw ~ Non-Lucid Dream

Personal Scoreboard:

[spoiler]Fragments: +1
NLDs: 1+3
Short LDs: 1

Fragments and 2 ND’s last night.

Nothing noteworthy.

Hello, just checking in on the outside world.

I’ve been dreaming a lot lately, and I would likeep to claim one long LD please.

Some stuff has been happening lately that has put me out of action for a bit, and thus I may have to return to civilization, where there is a better level of medical asistance.

Anyway, I’ll check in again soon, good luck everyone.

Three more NLDs!

Candy and Minecraft ~ Non-Lucid Dream
House Orcs ~ Non-Lucid Dream
SNIP! ~ Non-Lucid Dream

Personal Scoreboard:

[spoiler]Fragments: 1
NLDs: 4+3
Short LDs: 1

3 NDs this morning. No tasks. I kind of did my personal goal while non-lucid, but I don’t feel like it captures the spirit of the goal so I do not want to claim points for it.

Good day!

Differential post from previous.
I hope you like it. :peek:

Thursday: Added 2 NDs, 1 medium LD where I was numb for the most part, but DCs helped me.

Technically speaking, yes, I did my goal in an LD. I expected to test another thing but I feel like the actual outcome was better since it made clearer that it worked.
But I am a bit sad since I got numb and couldn’t move well during most part, I had to ask DCs to help me all the time.[/spoiler]

Thank you.

2 more ND’s last night. Once again nothing noteworthy.

I’ve really fallen behind on my LD4all DJ x.x

Good morning!

Differential post from previous.
I hope you like it. :peek:

SPOILER - Click to view

Friday: Added 4 NDs.

Some nice non-lucid dreams, I regret nothing.

I am going to write a complete post for the week tomorrow.

Welcome Cornelia!

So because time travel is quite complicated, the first week will last 8 days and the new week shall start tomorrow or on Sunday :happy:

I am working on the scores as well, but only made it up to monday so far :happy:

FINALLLY SOMETHING! READ IT AND WEEP!. Yes, “weep”, because you’ll be crying at how confusing that DJ entry is.

I had fragments yesterday, followed by 1 ND, fragments and 1 Medium LD today. (I class this Medium as rare is the LD I have anything more than me waking). Here are the tasks I got done: (they are bold in that DJ entry, to make life a bit easier).

  • See a dinosaur (It was a pterodactyl in yesterday’s fragment)
  • Find a way to escape (I escaped Time collapsing by making the Doctor materialise the TARDIS around me. This counts, right?)
  • Use a Time Machine (The TARDIS to be exact)
  • Hunt or Fish (I knew I had to hunt the rabbit, despite not seeing it or catching it)

Seeing as I’ve never done anything in an LD except wake myself; tried (and failed) to summon Xander; accidently transported myself to a friend (instead of summoning them to me); and briefly looked at the sky; I would like to claim dream control points for summoning the Doctor/TARDIS around me. These sorts of things never work for me, so it’s a big achievement that I got it to work on the first try.

P.S: Apparently once I accidentally turned day into night (I was trying to make a sun shower), but the effect boomeranged back nearly right away.

Like Lia, I’ll put a Week 1 - Personal Scorebored

[spoiler]Fragments: 4 Days
NDs: 5
LDs: 1 Medium
Tasks: * See a dinosaur

  • Find a way to escape
  • Use a Time Machine (In an LD)
  • Hunt or Fish (In an FA in an LD)
    Dream Control: Making the TARDIS materialise around me[/spoiler]

P.S.S: How long is this LC going to be / How many tasks will there be?

I had another long LD last night, along with a bunch of other dreams I won’t bother claiming. No tasks asuch I was far too busy flying around and talking to horses.