Lucid Challenge 59 - Winner - Tggtt

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening!

Differential post for Tuesday.

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Tuesday: Added 2 NDs.

Lucid dream, medium duration, in which my bicycle has a flat tire. I was unable to control the dream, so no tasks done, but I’ll claim the points for the lucid.

Last night was just fragments, night before was 1 ND and fragments (because I forgot to post yesterday).

Neither night were particularly restful :confused:
No new tasks completed.

This morning 1 decently long ND + 1 ND fragment (LINK TO DJ)

This morning 1 ND + 1 long DILD after WBTB (est. ~20’)

First task completed ! I successfully meditate


Good Morning/Afternoon!

Differential post for Wednesday.
I wanted to type more but I am too busy.

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Wednesday: Added 1 ND and 1 LD.
It was too coool to try tasks.

Non-lucid dream in which I do some tricks with a bullwhip, like in the Indiana Jones movies. I’d like to claim the martial arts task, with the whip as the martial arts weapon.

P.S. A quick google search reveals that the whip really is a Shaolin weapon. Demonstration video

Hello! I’m alive! In a ND on Monday, I meditated and participated in a tea ceremony (or at least drank tea with people :tongue:). Also I jumped high in a ND this morning. Altogether I had 3 NDs since I last claimed points here.

Also the tribal dance I did last week was in a ND.

This morning 1 ND

Also I recalled 1 ND fragment (not sure is from tonight), but still… (LINK TO DJ)

I’m back! Been lazy with the DJ lately… anyways… here’s 3 NLDs.

Minecraft Airplanes ~ Non-Lucid Dream
Doctor Strange Inspired ~ Non-Lucid Dream
RPGs at Hogwarts? ~ Non-Lucid Dream

Personal Scoreboard:

[spoiler]Fragments: 1
NLDs: 8+3
Short LDs: 1

3 ND’s the last two nights, with various fragments both nights (another one about writing in my DJ, too x.x )

The ND from last night involved some martial arts. Apparently the principal engineer on my team at work was actually a super buff martial artist and I had to spar him in order to pass my (software) code review. Will post it when I have time.

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening!

Differential post for Thursday and Friday.
Sorry for delays, but I had nothing on Thursday anyway.

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Thursday: didn’t sleep.
Friday: Added 3 NDs, 2 short LDs and 1 medium LD.
Managed to summon a monk, train martial moves, and impossible high jumps and kicks capable of breaking walls.
Had tea with monk and RL-based DCs, failed to meet more than one monk.
Not sure if valid.


This morning 1 ND + 1 not caught FA


Two NLDs this morning.

Crazy DCs ~ Non-Lucid Dream
Strange DCs ~ Non-Lucid Dream

Personal Scoreboard:

[spoiler]Fragments: 1
NLDs: 11+2
Short LDs: 1

2 fragments this morning. No tasks done.

[center]WEEK 3 � France and Revolution


Eight days! Eight long days and the Koala still hasn’t reappeared. At list this time you are in a chinese monastaryand not chased by dinosaurs…
“Oh there you are!” the koala shouts suddenly from a tree. It looks like he wants you to believe he didn t forget you. “It has been a Koala week (8 days because of the second sunday to sleep better), so we can get ready for our next destination: Please take a sit in our time travel machine.” 
There we go again, the Koala starts his small boring dancezzzz…Zzzz

Vreeew… Vreeeew… BAM! you wake up, and see the Koala jumping and gesticulating around. What happened this time?

“Hey everyone, we just arrived in Versailles, in France, I wanted to show you the first french bakery but the hamsters which make the Time Machine works disappeared and we arrived in 1789 right before the french revolution. So now we need to find the hamsters, otherwise the Machine will not work. Once this is done, make sure you enjoy a cup of wine in the king’s garden and go talk to the king, but don t forget to come back quickly, because French is going to explode, so to say”


Story tasks:

1. Use a time machine (20 points): No matter where or when you appears, and no matter what is your Time machine.
2. Find the key for the time travel machine (20 points)
3. Find the hamsters of the time travel machine (20 points)

Reminder: accomplishing all of the story tasks gives a bonus of 40 points.

Week 3: France and Revolution (1789 AD)

Drink some wine (20 points) :

Play hide and seek in the garden of Versailles (20 points): Any garden or forest to hide in would count. Just hide. I would count points if you just hide.
Bonus: a DC finds you/you found a DC (10 points): Hide and seek is better with other people :smile:

Paint something (10 points) : Using some pencils and painting tools is not required

Meet the King (20 points) : It can be any king, just meet him.
Bonus: Save the King (20 points) : Find a way to save him from the french revolution. I will leave this open to your creativity here :happy:

Convince a DC to go take a shower (20 points) The DC doesn t, have to take the shower in front of you, if he just says it s a good idea and go, you get it.
Note: this is not against french people. In 1789, the european in general were not taking bath but only using parfum, let s save our noses in this time travel :smile:

See a castle explodes (30 points). You can make it explode yourself, or just watch a great castle explodes. It can be any kind of castle. The house type of castle (Versailles) or the war kind of castle (la Bastille)

Enjoy everyone! :mrgreen_hat:

I will update the scores soon. Sorry for the delay :smile:


Saturday: Added 3 NDs.
Sunday: Added 2 NDs.

Complete post for week 2.
Sorry for delays… :sad:

[spoiler] Week 2.
Sunday: Added 2 NDs and 1 LD.
Went to search the keys for time machine, it seems a bit unclear as well.
Turned out to be keys for an old car.
I managed to push the car into my underground lab just to be certain for the personal goal again.
After fueling it I got in the middle of nowhere, I cannot confirm it involved another time travel, but I did teleport. No Shaolin temples.
Jumping very high is very usual for my LDs. I guess I will report back when I jump higher than the usual high.

Monday: Added 2 NDs and 1 short LD.
Yet another numb LD, but I managed to try meditation.
Meditation caused me to become DO for a extremely short moment, then, the dream was over.
I think this deserves further research though.

Tuesday: Added 2 NDs.

Wednesday: Added 1 ND and 1 LD.
It was too coool to try tasks.

Thursday: didn’t sleep.
Friday: Added 3 NDs, 2 short LDs and 1 medium LD.
Managed to summon a monk, train martial moves, and impossible high jumps and kicks capable of breaking walls.
Had tea with monk and RL-based DCs, failed to meet more than one monk.
Not sure if valid.

Saturday: Added 3 NDs.

Week 3.

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Sunday: Added 2 NDs.

Two NDs that contained spiders and nothing task related. I am so not typing them up, so don’t even ask.:bored:

Dream count at the end of week 2: 17 non-lucid dreams, 1 medium duration lucid dream.

My recall of last night is too fragmentary to count for points, but I think I met Mew.