Lucid Challenge 59 - Winner - Tggtt

3 ND’s, with 2 nights of fragments since my last post. Nothing noteworthy to report.


Differential post for Monday.

[spoiler]Monday:Added 4 NDs and 2 Short LDs.
Does drawing and coloring using computer count as painting? LOL. That’s the closest to a task I could do in an ND.
I also had more time travel… again.
I asked DCs to take shower in short LD and it made us teleport to a swimming pool. Wat? :confused:

Had an ND that involves doing martial arts to fight some demons. Then compared me and my “brother” to Sam and Dean from Supernatural, without the guns, because we were apparently more awesome. But yeah, claiming for the martial arts task in week 2.

Sorry for the lack of keeping up, will be more organised next week. :tongue:

Hello :smile:

Sorry for not reporting more often.

Since last time, I had 9 normal dreams and 2 (very) short lucid dreams.
And finally I accomplished a task! :happy:
I meditated in the ND “Ancient buddhist temples” (19-05)
Also I claim the early bonus for accomplishing this in the week it was posted :grin:
link to DJ

Haha I am not sure it is really painting, but I ll count it as the basic program from windows is called “paint” :happy:

Scores update

/me hits Koal with a cookie

I didn’t do the Week 2 task in an LD, it was an ND. You accidentally gave me “Task in LD” points.

I saw a dance, but I won’t claim the points for it as I was in a strange WILD state where I’d woken up and gone straight back to sleep, and it wasn’t clear if it was a lucid dream, non-lucid dream or hypnagogic hallucination. I’ve written up the hallucination (or whatever it was) in my dream journal as I found it interesting.

Hi Koal44,

I am sorry I have not been clear enough about claiming points.

I dont think I deserve points for “Ride an animal”, because I was not me myself riding an animal

Also I cannot have points for “See a tribal dance”, because I only saw a dancer, not the dance

I just was enthusiastic because some elements appeared in my dreams, so I mentioned them here :wink:

Just 1 ND last night with some Harry Potter fragments.

1 ND this morning where I drank wine and also I questioned whether I was dreaming or not.

Also I see I didn’t get points for jumping high in a ND.

Hello! Thanks for the update!

Differential post for Tuesday.

SPOILER - Click to view

Tuesday:Added 1 ND.

This morning: 2 normal dreams
I claim points for: Wondering if you are dreaming (but not becoming lucid)
link to DJ


Differential post for Wednesday.

SPOILER - Click to view

Wednesday:Added 2 NDs and 1 short LD.

Lucid dream, medium duration (about two minutes, maybe 1) in which I swim in the ocean. No tasks done, but I’ll claim the points for the lucid.

Also, a non-lucid dream in which I got to ride a motorized coffee percolator. I guess this doesn’t count for the “ride an animal” task! It was one of the strangest things I’ve seen in dreams.


Differential post for Thursday.

[spoiler]Thursday:Added 2 NDs and 1 medium LD.
I threw an LD4all Anniversary Party in a Floating Shaolin Temple I helped to build.
I did also jump really high but this was already accounted.

Since my last post, fragments, more fragments, and then my recall came back!

Last night I had what I will call a medium length LD. (It was long in duration, but my recall dropped off so I will only claim medium.) I completed theLD4all monthly Quest. I would also like to claim some control points for transforming the ENTIRE room around me, including filling it with people. That’s not something I can usually pull off (most summoning or drastically changing scenery requires not really looking at it).

Hopefully my recall will stay strong through the weekend, but I will be traveling and partying, so :shrug:


Differential post for Friday.

[spoiler]Thursday:Added 2 NDs and 1 short LD.
Not so short, but it was mostly blurry and hard to control.
Tried to complete more tasks, but could only try some wine. It was completely bland and tasteless.

Koal eat the cookie miam miam
Ok I corrected it :smile:

If it was a 3rd person riding an animal it can also count :smile: I let you the points for this one as it is still close.

Also congratulations to Ysim and Tggtt for the monthly quest :happy:
The scores are updated and corrected
Scores update

I wrote Thursday instead of Friday for the previous post but the information is correct for Friday. I hope it didn’t cause confusion.

Thank you for the update.

New for this post:
Saturday: Added 3 NDs and 1 short LD and 1 medium LD
Visited a castle and met the king! No! It didn’t explode. No revolution.

Complete post for Week 3.

[spoiler]Sunday: Added 2 NDs.
Monday:Added 4 NDs and 2 Short LDs.
Does drawing and coloring using computer count as painting? LOL. That’s the closest to a task I could do in an ND.
I also had more time travel… again.
I asked DCs to take shower in short LD and it made us teleport to a swimming pool. Wat? :confused:
Tuesday:Added 1 ND.
Wednesday:Added 2 NDs and 1 short LD.
Thursday:Added 2 NDs and 1 medium LD.
I threw an LD4all Anniversary Party in a Floating Shaolin Temple I helped to build.
I did also jump really high but this was already accounted.
Thursday:Added 2 NDs and 1 short LD.
Not so short, but it was mostly blurry and hard to control.
Tried to complete more tasks, but could only try some wine. It was completely bland and tasteless.
Friday:Added 2 NDs and 1 short LD.
Not so short, but it was mostly blurry and hard to control.
Tried to complete more tasks, but could only try some wine. It was completely bland and tasteless.
Saturday:Added 3 NDs and 1 short LD and 1 medium LD.
Visited a castle and met the king! No! It didn’t explode. No hamsters. No tribal dance, but there were people training for “modern” dance. I don’t want to write much.