Lucid combat - How do YOU do it?

It’s funny, I think all the reading in this thread triggered a battle sequence. I had two last night. Both of them ninja orientated. I had fun dodging and avoiding most all the attacks. Then I noticed one had a broken nose, so I healed him while we fought. He stopped attacking after that lol.

If I become lucid, I’m going to have to try and mimic Algol from Soul Calibur IV and make swords and stuff come out of my hands. :happy:

Combat? Me? No such thing. I think the most I’ve ever done is stab someone in the stomach with a knife in self-defense, and that was just in a normal dream. I tried to use a gun in a dream recently and it wouldn’t work. My subconscious won’t let me abandon my morals, it seems.

Combat for me is an absolute last resort. I hate blood and violence. I use evasion and trickery, and if I can’t evade whoever it is, I use defense. If they can get past my defense (which is rare, because I’m very good with a force field :razz: ) - only then will I attack.

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Most of the time I pull out a pistol and fire. It happens in a couple dreams, and never seems to run out. Although I do remember taking a pool stick, cracking the tip off, and using it as a spear.

Last night (in my first proper LD :content: ) there were two guys in my room. One of them was really rude and was annoying me so much I clotheslined him. Worked like a charm, I smashed his head into my wardrobe and he fell to the floor lol.

I have a great idea,Let’s develop a Video Game called “Lucid Combat”
It sounds so familier, (Mortal Combat)
If i’ll had to fight against someone,I will use my lucid abilities and create a lightsaber,If he doesn’t have a lightsaber,or a Crotosis armor,He’s gone for sure.

Hmmm I haven’t done much combat in LDs. Most of the time it’s in NDs, but I remember this one time where, in an LD, flying monsters were attacking my parents. I’d just wave a hand at them, and they’d poof into nothingness. Still, I did that with a cool pose in a really action-movie way.

The only times I’ve really gotten into any form of combat during an LD I used telekinesis.

I just do swift hand motions sort of like doing what I want to do to the target.

Like lifting my hand up quickly to flip over someone’s car.

It just works without having to try too hard, and it’s cool.

I have used all sorts of different methods of combat to defeat foes. I would have to say magic is probably the most fun, particularly using WoT’s idea of Saidin for my magical basis, it was fun to really “feel” what it might be like to channel. However, my most effective (and boring) way is to simply dispel foes, essentially I cause them to cease to exist, as if I were breaking up their atoms.

My first lucid dreams were many years back when I was probably about 10 years old, at the beginning they started because of the fear as a dream sign as someone here already mentioned. I just knew this was too horrible to be true. When I was still a beginner, I would try throwing fireballs, tking and such but as my fears was still there the monsters were hard to overcome and will still come chasing after me. When I got used to the idea and realized that it was all in fact a creation of me, I really used to enjoy it and those situations became fearless and much enjoyable. I would summon monsters at certain times just to make them freeze in mid air, or to teleport behind them when they got to me then to kicking their ass with a laser beam.
As those “combats” are what lead me to lucid dreaming at the first place, they’ll always be remembered.

I remember this. Monsters were the reason I first had a lucid dream at age six or something.

I used to simply teleport the monsters away, but nowdays in combat I either TK them or summon weapons, such as a sword, bow, sometimes a rifle that I made mental designs of myself, etc.

Making stuff mentally and calling it into your dreams is fun, and I solve combat by doing that.

I use a super charged cattle prod :hehe:

I’m not a fan of violence in LD’s, just because there are plenty of more productive things I feel like I can do, but sometimes I just like to see how the dream plays itself out without me doing anything drastically unorthodox. Sometimes fighting just has to happen for me to satisfy my curiosity.

In that case I have to say that I’m absolutely terrible at combat in LD’s. I can do decent Martial Arts, but I’ve got waking life to thank for that. Anything along the lines of dream powers is unheard of for my SC XD

I’m awful at summoning too, so I need to use my environment, which is usually accommodating enough. I can at least find unusual weapons lying around or being provided by some passing DC.

Sometimes when things go completely bad in my LD and I just need some :help: there, I use my PSI powers.
First, I use my power-orb (as usual) and gain power from it which gives me some pushing strength. I tunnel the energy into one small spot and unleash it when its just ready ^^.
The results are devistating.
A monster once threw a bus on me [empty one i think] and I used that energy on the bus. It did a huge bump on the side of the green bus and threw him back on the monster with unbelieveble force. It crushed the mob.

I also just make them disappear sometimes. Depends on my Lucididty level.

Now that i’ve read the entire thread i would really like to have a combat in a LD! I’d like an epic battle! Reading of your experencies really inspires me and makes me think that there’s really no limit on the ways i could fight any threat in my next LD’s! :happy:

I’ll keep in mind your dream fights and add to my “Things to do in LD’s” list to try some LD combat :wink:

a combination of everything. some sword fighting, guns, bows, magic, summoning, controling elements, wolverine claws, telepathy, transformation into fighting people, and anything else that comes to mind. its so fun, so simple but so fun…

The only serious fight I’ve been in was my first LD. My powers were weak, so I couldn’t use them very well, and my combat mostly consisted of knocking the enemies down with weak telekinesis.

My second LD had no real combat in it, but I had some seriously hardcore powers once I figured out how to use them.(Hint: I have to make an appropriate noise to use them) It’s embarrassing to point at something and make a laser-charging noise, but it stops being embarrassing when the explosion happens.

While there usually isn’t anything to fight in my dreams, when there is, I usually fly away, or in one instance, punched them and they just vanished.

The way I would like to fight would be using water.
It would be cool to control water water and completely overwhelm them.

Some of my earliest LDs came about as a way to fight nightmares in my childhood. My first “nightmare combat” tactics worked along this mindset, “I know that this is just a nightmare… Maybe if I fall asleep in the nightmare I will awake in real life.” Then I’d just play opossum and let the lion or wolf attack me, and usually the sensation of being mauled would wake me up.

Eventually, I realized I could control aspects of the nightmares, and will things like bicycles and whatnot to fly into the path of my attackers.

Years later, when I was working on perfecting WILD, I would sometimes get stuck in the sleep paralysis state and would feel some sort of malevolent force torturing me when I couldn’t do anything about it… I tried using magic like lightning and fire that I could use in lucid dreams, and nothing worked. Eventually I guess I slipped enough into an REM state where I simply flooded my bedroom with water (one of my “you’re dreaming!” signs is an ability to breathe underwater), drowning the menace. Luckily, my WILD transition between awake, and dreaming is much faster now…

Recently, if I’m attacked in An LD, I just use overwhelming physical strikes to destroy my aggressor. Fire attacks and such don’t work at as high of a % as brute attacks for me.