Lucid conversation with GOD??

^ lets not rationalize by saying the bible has a correct, or even semi accurate depiction of God. id say try looking through the mirror in your next dream, and see waht kind of facials hair you have. :smile:

I always pictured him with a big white beard and long white hair, kind of like Santa, but no red suit or bells. He’s wearing a Toga, like Greek mythology :tongue:

God is non-corporeal. He doesn’t look like anything.

I beleive “God” is just a word to describe somthing we cant reallly explain. That is why I say I agree with Orpheus. You cant put an image to god.

What is a god without consciousness?


you would know if u were speaking to God if u see a very bright light that surrounds u. while this light surrounds you, you feel love. a love like no other on earth. If you see and feel this, it’s probably god.

God is an old man with a beard and moustache, of course; bible is full of it.
Besides he can be found in a cloud only by now, I am not quiet sure for the reason.
Yes, I had lucid conversation with god, and these creatures all are iluminated. I am speaking about angels.
Bright light, I don’t think so.
It was short but rather important conversation.
I want to keep it for myself because there was no message to the world from god in the exact dream I got.
Just for all of you who say god has no visual shape, and similar to that opinions, he was an old man with a beard and I think white robes like toga is a must, too.

I would go with Orpheus on God’s apperance. In one of my dreams I saw Jesus as a hippie with a tanned complexion, he had the tie-dye shirt and everything.

I belive you can’t see god; he’s just a presence, such as what you would expect when you think there’s a ghost around you
He’s everything but nothin at the same time :meh:

hi there cynic!
i’ve always been in a quest for religion! since i was a little kid!
let me tell you, by you’re typing, you’re kinda like a by-sexual-curious but in this case you’re a god-believer-curious! you don’t believe in it/him/her but you would like to!
i think that’s good but face it as you wish!
i believe god is a part of us and if you lucid dream you’re talking to god you would probably be talking to that part of yourself!
wether it is god or not it’s up to you to decide/believe!

Somehow i doubt you can seek god in a LD, while many people see god in their dreams, and believe it to be real,
i see roles depicted by vincent price in my dreams every now and then. two problems with that, vincent price is dead, and the roles he represent were fictional characters.
My mind simple created these things becuase for whatever reason my subconcious (or my concious, i just watched the fly, and i was very young. scary!) wanted to see that role portrayed.
While i do believe god can reach people in dreams, i do not believe it would be as easy as opening a door and seeing god there, you would only see whatever your subconcious assigns to be god, for all my subconcious knows, morgan freeman is the proper portrayel for god.
I do not believe we can see god at will in dreams.

I read in some astral projection forums that you could call jesus with following sentence “Jeshua Ben Pandira I invoke you in the name of Christ”. Repeat until he apperas.

Havent tried myself, just found it interesting as i believe that you can meet gods, masters etc in astral.

Unfortunatly that sentence would not help though and it doesn’t matter if you believe in Christ or not.

If you said “give me cheese” over and over in a lucid dream in an aim to make Jesus appear then he would. Unless your not fully lucid… then I’m sure you would get some cheese…

Either way, I like these threads as nobody is too afraid to post what they believe but there is also a good atmosphere as nobody seems to attack others opinions often. Keep it clean guys!

I think god is a being that is all but at the some time nothing.
He is something that is in comprehendible to us as yet (as in our spiritual evolution).
There was a Hawaiian belief called Kahuna. They believed that their highest connection was their Aumakua (Higher Self) who was a higher being and they did not concern themselves with god. If anyone is interested about this i would recommend reading Max Freedom Longs books on this matter.

On the internet you may find amulets and other things but all these are scams for peoples money, just be careful when researching.

I don’t believe that we could ‘see’ God as such in the dream, as according to the Bible he cannot be looked upon otherwise you die, although this does appear to vary in certain scenarios.

It’s a hard question for me as a Christian, but I believe the short answer would be no. We may be filled with an exquisite joy or have a feeling of Gods presence, but I believe that as it is a dream, it would be nothing more than our brains perception of God.

Then again, dreams were always a very potent way of communication with God in the Bible, so who’s to say?