Lucid Dream Activator

Hey, they’ve been trying to do the same thing with infomercials for years - Magnetic wrist-bands, guaranteed to miraculously improve your health and your golf swing!

I keep telling everyone, the only infomercial worth watching is that
Miracle Blade III one. WHOA!! :eek:

I don’t get the “lol men” part. :confused:
So my magnets don’t work. I guess I’m going to finally go into the reality check business.

Lol infection…maybe i do this magnet testing one day lol but what if someone says next year you get lucid when you wear boots in bed…you wear boots in bed then? dont tell me i know the answer already…its a yes :cry: lol you would hehe :cool:
Btw i have thought it over…if magnets could have any possitive influence at lucid dreaming there is only one place that is important and thats the place of the third eye…i dont know what pole of the magnet in other words…it would increase or decrease your lucidity lol…
Could of course experiment with it and find out if there is any effect at all
Well if i bump into a very strong magnet i will else not lol…however i must say iam very neutral with any expectations at all…
You could btw do a search if magnetic fields…have an impact on our neurotransmitters…then you dont even have to test but you know right away.


What are the odds I’ll find on the web: “How magnets induce lucid dreams”
on Yahoo?

Infection i was more thinking of using medscapes databank to see if lab tests show any influence of magnetic fields have over our neurotransmitter release etc thats science!


I don’t know anything about the effect of magnetism on (lucid) dreaming, but I thought magnetism does affect the pineal gland in some way. And since the pineal gland produces melatonin, I wonder how much magnetism can affect natural biorhythm. The pineal gland is also known as the third eye or brow chakra. Perhaps magnetism can be a great help to open the third eye?