lucid dream and school wprk

Quick question to all dreamers. Just joined the forum and search some of the threade for any relation to what I wanted to ask, didn’t find any and just too damn lazy to scro thru over 9000 threads. So quick question, can lucid dreaming help with school work and understanding materials. Am not expecting to lucid dream and get answers to my homework questions but atleast help to a certain point. And has anybody have experience with that?

It won’t really help with understanding anything, but you can always practice presentations and such in lucid dreams.

English: Read the book and live the book. Understand the language better.
Other languages: Practice with DC’s and get help from yourself. If you’ve read it, it’s in there somewhere so you can force your brain to wrap around the subject by looking for memories of the written text. Or it will know subconsciously.
Math: … This should help a lot if you double check it. Make sure the numbers don’t switch around by making maybe a calculator that never changes on you.
Theater: Practice in front of a live audience and get those lines right!
Science: Delve into the science by matching sizes or changing shapes to the object and study yourself!
Many things are possible in Lucid dreams, many things!

Cool. I was thinking like if I study a particular problem or so I could understand it better in LD and still understand it when I wake up.

You can always use LDs to meditate, practice, think, but that requires a level of clarity that isn’t easily attained in the first tries. It’s not impossible, but it’s probably going to take a bit before you can do things like that.

But it’s very well worth trying, even for that alone.

It is as useful as meditating.
Ancient tribes use lucid dreaming for meditations.

Yeah as was said, you can practice presentations and stuff

Also, I like to summon tutors in my LDs. If you were taught the material but need to practice and understand it better they can help a lot :happy:

Cool,thanks for the responses so far. Will begin that as soon as i have my first LD

Well, most people can’t do exactly what they want in their first LD. Or their second, or third. Even if you’re lucid enough to think about changing something or do something from your todo-list, it probably won’t work. LD’ing requires practice. But maybe you’re lucky!

I think the practice of lucid dreaming can help in your waking life. For example, while you read over your books, your awareness might increase after the practice of LD’ing, i.e. you’ll remember what you read better. Also reviewing your work in your dreams will aid you.

I am not sure if it can help learn stuff such as math problems, but you can practice in your Lucid Dreams. And its also possible to learn some skills in your Lucid Dreams, if I can recall correctly.