Lucid dream conversations!

allright well
my abilty to become lucid in dreams just kinda hit me, because i had this dream that seemed SOOO real, i knew that i must be dreaming, and all of a sudden i could control everything, and eversince then, becoming lucid is getting easier.


i had this dream a while back, where this girl pulled me into her car after saving me from this man, and i turned to her and said “I know this is a dream” and she said “how do you know that?” and i said “well, you see…cause what just happened back there was impossible to happen in real life” and she then replied “ohh, well…you’re here now, so you gotta come with me”

and it was so insane, cause It was like, i was leading this second life. I loved it

and last night, I had a dream where i woke up from my bed, and i could sense that something wasent right, everything was kinda fuzzy, and anyways…i heard that if you turn a lightswitch off, and the lights just stay on, then you’re dreaming. So i walked towards the light switch turned it off, and boom! just as i thought, i was dreaming. the lights stayed on. So i walked outside, jumped in the air, and I was able to fly!! It sounds insane, but my power to become lucid is becoming so stronng, its like my dream world is becoming a whole other life!

Anybody else becoming this good at becoming lucid?

Welcome to the world of lucidity. It is a whole other world/life isn’t it :wink:

It really makes me wonder if this waking life is reallly “all there is” out there.

Like anything else in life, the more you are exposed to something, the more you practice the better you get. The same is true with lucid dreaming.

As for conversations in lucid dreams, some are normal while others can be strange. Your post reminds me of a dream I had not too long ago where a DC tried to convince me that I was not dreaming.

it isn’t…errr, you have the sleep world too

yeah, i know
but what im trying to say is, like…
what if this waking life is just a dream? and our “dream” lives are really the -real- world.

Basically, it just makes me think of things like that.

Man…Then the real world is often harsh and unforgiving. And dreams are so ordered. I see what you mean, but how lame is a dream about, say, going to get your licence renewed? Then waking up and being chased around a popular theme park. It could be, though. How would we know? Aside from the fact that people regularly die in dreams.

i know exactly what you mean tuaoj, I get the same thing whenever i´m hit by a experience that´s so strong it just blows your mind away, in this case really becoming aware of that your are dreaming…it is a weird thing cause you´ve never experienced ANYTHING quite like it before. I know when i had my first and only astral projection (but hopefully not last) it changed my waking life forever…it changed me forever…all strong experiences does cause you hit some kind of enlightment and you think in a way you didnt think before. enjoy it! :smile:

Why does one have to be real and the other unreal? Why can’t both the dream world and the waking be different parts of one solid reality? I like that idea better I think. The idea that we all nightly move into a different layer of the world that we exist in. Sweet…

well i would say you are right…the only difference is that you are awake in one world and asleep in the other. It doesnt matter for your eyes, ears etc if they pick up information from the outer world or if the brain makes up the information wich is the case when you are dreaming, the eyes can´t make up the difference. Imagine if you could plugg in a computer in your eyes so it would see for you…and be programmed to show you something, very much like the matrix…well how are you to know that what you see is not the “reality”?

as to me, i look at reality (this is a very old question indeed) i two ways…i devide them. one reality is the physical reality and the other a mental reality…none of them are more “real” then the other, they just have different capabilities :smile:

… May I add that those two worlds affect eachother a LOT more than most people think?

I guess I’m saying that they aren’t two worlds at all. We exist in a multi-faceted universe that is nothing short of absolutely amazing. We study and learn and test and all we keep discovering is that we don’t have it quite pegged down yet. Sure dreams are an internal part of it but its amazing that dreams exist at all. And in an infinite universe (which I guess is far from proven… but then what would be beyond it) internal is just as vast as external.

…but our senses are not made to percept other dimensions…we can only sense 4 of them while it is mathematically proven that there are 12 dimensions all together…(string theory)

Mathematically proven!?!? This may be a little off topic but string theory or all other theorys about other dimensions are nowhere near proven. There is a reason they are still called theorys. Unlike some things, which are accepted as fact but called theorys, these really are theorys.

Materialist POV:

In the end you just die anyway, and “real world” no longer exists, as far as you’re concerned… exactly like a dream…

So can one really be considered less real than the other?

so make new senses :razz: in your dream

well, by definition a theory is something that was not proved.
If I think so, my theory could be that 120000 years lights from the earth there is an invisible layer of ice cream. Who could disprove that?

I can. Icecream isnt invisible. :happy:

But uhm, please do not wander too much off topic.