lucid dream in OOBE

is it possible to have a lucid dream whilst also ocurring an OOBE as I think I may have them as when I have a lucid dream I feel like I am not so connected with my body and also choose what I want to dream but find some people in my dream who answer to me and when I ask why they are there it is more an image than a sound tho sometimes they do talk to me but it seems a seperate experience from my body :dream:

Im not sure what you`re asking but lds and oobes are experiences out of body.Its your mind/subconciousness/sould…name it,doing its thing.
I guess you may be interested in topics about dream characters- there are few just browse the forum.
take care.

This is normal and not a sign of OBE in itself. The feeling of disconnection is caused by the mind being disconnected from the physical senses during sleep. So you don’t feel you physical body, however be sure you are still in there somewhere :smile:.