Lucid Dream Induction.

I dont know if this has been mentioned before.

If you have a partner your living with and sleeping in the same bed with. And you woke up and they were in REM sleep. And you gently (but loud enough for their dream conciessness to hear) said “You are dreaming. You are in a dream, so do a reality test and then do whatever you want. Youre Dreaming.”

Would that be a way to bring on a LD?

Has anybody tried this or heard of this before? I think it would be a good way to be lucid if you had a partner who was interested in LDing or interested in helping you LD.

Actually, I think it’s totally possible…
Becoz I heard a lots of guys(incluiding me) that are able to listen stuff from RL…(for example: I hear a song that is actually playing in my CD player)

Yes like he said ^^^

Once I was asleep and a beatles song came on…then I dreamt I was at a beatles concert…woke up…and the song was still playing.

clayton, were you listening to the beatles as you fell asleep as well? because this could have influenced the dream just as much.

Everything these 2 have said has happened to me. Going to sleep with the music or tv on, and having dreams influenced by what I am hearing.

I know for a fact that we hear things while we are asleep/dreaming, its a defense mechanism from when we were animals.

And there are tapes that supposedly induct lucid dreams.

But I think if you were sleeping with someone, woke up and saw they were in REM (by the flickering of their eyes) and kept saying these things.

I’ll have to try it when my girlfriend comes over. Shes a real light sleeper though so it might not work.

No…i listen to music off of my computer when I sleep and it was on shuffle. Out of 761 songs I doubt that I was listening to the beatles when I fell asleep.