Lucid Dream Powers you have achieved

In my limited LD experiences I believe I’ve shown great promise:

  • Flying: Ive always been a natural flyer. No tricks or gimmicks.
  • Object creation: No matter how large or small, I can pretty much conjure anything out of nothing without effort.
  • Breathing underwater: one of my best dreamsigns

I’m definitely going to practise the pyrokinesis next time I get a chance, sounds like a LOT of fun. Now I want to try out all of the skills/spells I used to use in World of Warcraft.

Oh, you’re an Avatar fan too? :content: That gives me a few ideas.

I’ve only had one LD recently, and it only lasted long enough for me to attempt to fly. But the powers I’ve used (even if I’m not skilled much in them) seem to be:

  1. Flying using a hoverchair type thing (This was the recent LD I had last Saturday)
  2. Conjuring objects (See, first I tried to jump in order to fly, and kinda ended up hovering a few inches above the ground… :neutral: Then I summoned the chair, could feel it but couldn’t see it)
  3. Natural flying (From a few LDs I had YEARS ago, as a kid. Also involved running & leaping start)

Besides that, I can tell from my recent LD that I’m NOT good as going through walls. :shy: I suppose I’ll post that LD in full relatively soon.

Ah! :happy: I know what you’re talking about, rad! :yes: Except for that last part…not quite as bizarre, but just kinda “woke up with my dream” and made this running motion with my legs and the woke up-woke up :eek:

Yeah! I’m a HUGE Avatar fan, you’re the first person I’ve seen on this site to know about Avatar actually. Bending’s really fun, in my dreams I’m a Waterbender, (I guess by default since I have blue eyes and dark hair, but my skin is very fair instead of dark, :tongue: ) I work on my bending all the time, I do it all the time in non LD dreams and that usually tips me off that I’m dreaming so when I become lucid, (I really hate that word for some reason, :shrug: ) I have way more control and can focus on moves I haven’t tried yet and I’m getting good at it. I kept having to remind myself that I have to say “hydrokinesis” and “pyrokinesis” instead of “Waterbending” and Firebending" and stuff like that because most people here won’t understand “bending” terms…but anyway, cool to see another Avatar fan out there! :partying_face: :hurray:

My powers are not as cool as some of you guys, but since I have only have 4 LD’s since I learned about them I think I’m doing ok.

Sure I’ll be practicing them more, but heres what I have so far:

  1. Able to controll a TV (turned it on by wanting it, and I heard electronics dont work :tongue: )
  2. Controlling DC’s
  3. Talking to animals (My cat said “Hello”)

I did that last time too. Except mine was with a radio. It was way too loud, and I just waved my arm at it, and it went to about 5% volume. The DC standing infront of me was flabbergasted.

What is hydrokinesis?!

Power over water. I so wanna try that. I feel a conection to water and just like it. :cry: i’ve only had one WILD and it only lasted a second or two.

Old powers:
-manipulation of all surroundings
-flying with swimming movements, with wings, and superman style
-granting powers to DC’s
-creating new dreamscapes
-inability to differentiate fantasy from reality (though that isn’t necessarily a good power :content:; )

New powers:
-somewhat flying by jumping/leaping
-posessing the bodies of different DC’s; changing from participant to observer and back
-manifesting objects when I look away, brought to me, or in another room
-teleportation in fear/excitement
-granting immortality to DC’s

Magic powers such as telekenesis, summoning, or giant energy blasts differs from dream to dream. I also get them in ND’s too, so I don’t count them.

i can lucid dream in my lucid dream.
Thats the best one i have,
I can do other things tooo,but they are all pretty normal compared to this one.

You all have spoken of your physical abilaties, but can anyone do anything beyond that, like spontaneously expand consciousness, or project your consciousness into other beings?

It tried once to merge my consciousness with another being but I failed. :sad:

I haven’t had much of a chance to use drem control, but so far I have managed to:

Pull absolutely anything out of my pocket (so useful when you don’t want to concentrate because your dream is fading)

Cause a column of fire or water to shoot from the ground and control it’s direction and flow (that was FUN)

Fly a little. I haven’t really given this one a good go yet.

I’ve come very close to muscular growth, but I keep waking up, or the scenery changes when I attempt it. :crying:

Snapping with my fingers causing other people’s death. Strange power indeed, you could call it. This must sound incredibly sick, but I remember a lucid dream I had loooong ago, where I was sitting in a classroom listening to a boring lesson… suddenly I realised I was dreaming, so I snapped my fingers towards people and said “you can die, and you, and you” and their heads dumped down onto the desks… then I woke up.

laughs that’s hillarious! :rofl: sorry, it just reminds me of an inside joke between me and my sister. I’ve never killed anyone in a normal or lucid dream, I’ve been killed and uhhh, other nasty stuff, ( you have no idea how bad it is to be paralyzed in a room full of male pyschos, NOT fun… :mirror: I got revenge on them though when I realized I was dreaming and could use powers, :ebil: mwahaha! ) very original power, awesome… :thud: :gni:

Yeah, I found it pretty funny when I woke up, and I daren’t tell anyone about it… they must think I would have been a psycho! Maybe I was one of them psychos in your dream :lol:

The only other power I could think of, was the only lucid dream I had before (i’ve only had 2 in my life). What I was doing was shooting lightning when jumping around platforms and killing monsters. Much like in Quake III (I watched my brother that night when I was getting to sleep)

gasp you were? blasts you with fire powers laughs :gni: I still think it’s hillarious, here, my sister made this, “The Exorcism of Elmo” laughs :lol: : I’ve watched it tons of times and it’s still funny, :rofl:

Thats hilarious :rofl: I remember I had one of those dolls before… when I was like 5 or something.

Wow, you responded fast, looks at you suspiciously maybe you ARE a pyscho! tries to blast you with powers doesn’t work hey, why aren’t they working, tries again gasps Evil Elmo took my powers! Die Elmo die! laughs :lol: My sister’s going to be making a video with Michael Jackson to the song, “When you’re evil”, it’s so funny. :rofl: