Lucid Dream Powers you have achieved

So far I have managed the following:

  1. Flying (I never seem to master this, sometimes it works perfect, sometimes not at all)

  2. Walking through walls (this is so much fun!)

  3. Healing DCs (I actually stabbed a girl in my LD just to try it, but seeing her lying there all bloody and hurt was more than I could take, even in a dream. So I healed her. Quite an amazing experience. Also were powerful. I can’t even hurt somebody I know is just a figure of my imagination?)

  4. Making DCs appear (very hard, usually fails)

  5. Making objects appear out of my pocket (lost control, constantly had a can of soda in my pocket, no matter how many of them I pulled out. Probably looked like a bad trick).

  6. Using magic/telekenesis to lift a DC up in the air, then letting him go. Tried catching him again before he hit the ground, and failed. The sound and look of a person falling 20 meters and hitting the ground was… shrug.

  7. Stop the time. One of the more fun things I have ever done. All the DCs stopped, just like in a movie where somebody stops the time. I could walk around, study them, then start the time again. To them, it seemed like I had moved insanely fast! :happy:

That’s all I can think of (and had noted in my old “things to do/things I have done”-list). Looking forward to expand it!

1.fying is easy eh?
2.Making objects fly \ explode \ dissapear
3.Smack a DC with random results … a bar around me and have fun for the rest of the night , hard to wake up though later

What I like to do is put my dream hands onto my face and imagine I’m in a different place. It works, most of the time.

  1. Dampening Gravity
  2. Moving stairs by bringing them to life

-Breathing underwater

Haven’t had very many LDs. :sad:

I just succeded in making some DCs explode, in my 6th LD!! :grin:

This is where I’ll be listing the powers I’ve acheived so far while lucid. I’ll update sometime.

  1. Making the sun come up.

A lot of interesting stuff to try here :smile:

Just found one more in my old DJ:

Made some doors dissapear from the wall. I was being followed, so I went through a door and locked it. Knowing it could be unlocked, I simply made the door dissapear :smile:

:rofl: now that’s a funny power… hahahaha

In the LD i had lastnight (my first one), here are the powers i could do:
-Fly (with wings)
-Grow wings
-Create DCs

In last night’s LD, I managed to:

  • Sink/Float through walls
  • Meet anime characters
  • Make demons(?) disappear with a wave of my hand
  • Travel to a dimension of anime, apparently

Sounds like fun :smile:

I love when I can fix a nightmare by making dream monsters disappear :thumbs:

I can FLY. And really well at that. I’ve had about four lucid dreams since I’ve started counting, plus many more from when I was younger.

I remeber the first time I flew in a LD. It was weird, I was above a chasm, being pulled up by my hair, and a DC was flying. You could only fly horizontally. Weird huh.

Hi everybody, I’ve been reading the forum since february of 2003, but until recently I’ve been way too busy to join. I am not a newbie, I’ve been LDing for four years, and I have pretty much mastered it using the standards (MILD, WILD, WBTB, and VILD.) My favorite, but definately the hardest to learn is WILD, since you enter the dream directly from getting in bed to the dream, so your mind is clearer, sharper, and sort of in a better mindset (ever notice how your personality is different during the first few hours of the day, but later you become “normal” again?) That’s why I like WILD. Again, hi, and I’m hoping to help out all the newbie so they won’t have to learn certain lessons the hard way like I did, which cost me a lot of downtime from LDing.
Anyway, I have some advice of flying. Watch Dragon Ball Z, then read something on psionics or ki or whatever you call it, and learn how the two relate. That will give your subconcious some idea of “how to fly IRL.” You’ll learn to fly, trust me. That’s exactly what my friend did, and what he told his friend to do, and they both claim to fly super fast at like skydiver altitudes. I hope that helps.

In Lucid Dreams:
Walking through walls (simple but there’s always some resistance)
Changing form (Surprisingly easy when it works-- my video gaming paid off after all :grin:)
Making stuff appear (tree, mirror–really tricky)
DC summon (impossibly hard. I once made Sephiroth appear and he basically told me to screw off :grrr:)
Merging conciousness…kinda-- when I turn into this one recurring guy (who I assume is my SG)
In Normal Dreams (just once each):
Took some kids back in time to escape the police and undo their crime in the first place
Came back to life
Telepathy (with the living and dead), levitated, transformed, and brought a guy back to life–all in the same dream

Hahahahahahahaha oh man, I wish I could do that!

This is a bit weird, but I transformed into a bug…

Yeah :happy: It was pretty nice… But for some reason the Diablo/Doom-ish monsters weren’t really scary, at least for me.

I can’t fly yet; I have to spring jump. And even that rarely gets me much heigher than 2 or 3 metres :razz: However, I touched a low flying cloud once.

I can change my perspective so I can pretend I’m playing a computer game or something, which is really quite strange.

Recently, I gained the power to melt DCs :razz:

Flying and walking through walls :grin:

…those are the ones I’m good at. If I had more of a chance to practise, I think I’d like to work on teleportation or something.

The only power was too make DC apear. I try to fly :fly: but failed then make someone apear for me really easy.