Lucid Dream Powers you have achieved

Oo I used a dream power last night! It was the middle of a nightmare, I turned lucid and then made the ‘bad guys’ weapons disappear. He got really annoyed, and started screaming at me. Stupid DC. :roll: I just woke up and laughed to myself for the first time after a nightmare. :tongue:

:rofl: that’s hilarious :gni:

I can give my self superstrength! But without muscles becuase i prefer superstrength with them. I want to see if i cant trick DC so that they think im a weak wimp when im really as strong as Super man, lol

In my last LD I could control time and found a new way to fly!
I wanted to grow huge angel wings but instead I got little pink Barbie wings with purple flowers on them and I couldn’t even move them :tongue: … so I took them off (they were fake) and tried to fly with a differant way. I imagined that I was in a tiny water slide kind of thing and the water curent was realy strong. I could control how fast I went and go in any direction, it could go very very fast! Well that marks 11 differant ways to fly!! :grin:

About two nights ago I had a dream where I met a girl while swimming some laps in a pool. We chatted for a minute and suddenly the pool drained of all water and I noticed that she was a mermaid :eh:, it seemed like she was ashamed at having a big fin instead of legs. So I thought, “hmm…too bad she doesn’t have some legs instead” after pondering this for a minute I just though “oh duh!, just use your dream powers and make her some…”. So I concentrated on what they should look like and the fin melted away revealing some very nice legs indeed(a job well done :cool:) …Needless to say she was estatic and after a big hug she ran off to try them out.

This has mostly become my personality in my dreams; I usually don’t change things unless I want to, even though I am keenly aware that it’s just a dream. I’m a wandering philanthropist sometimes, at other times I’m ‘Ryan the destroyer’. :smile:

One thing I’ve done (that I haven’t seen in this list) is melting metal with my fingers. It might sound stupid, but it was an amazing experience… It felt sorta like chocolate, with my hands being like hot knives or something - instantly turning solid again when I removed 'em.

Cute! But I don’t think I’ll be trying that one anytime soon… :tongue:

Not stupid at all dunlar, I think it sounds awesome–I hope that I remember to try it someday in a LD…That’s the great thing about dreams, the possibilities are endless…

wow,these are amazing,this motivates me a lot to try to ld more often.

Please, remember that some of my powers are not what you’d expect. I just got a memory today of an LD I had very long ago. My power was to throw big McDonalds Golden Arc glowing things you see at the top of each building… I also could rearrange the limbs of different people.

I was just wondering. Has anyone ever stopped and created there dream scene around them piece by piece.

hey,didnt writerscube did that?
He is pretty advanced in lding.

You say writerscube has done it?
It is kinda fun but alot of work.

so that means u must be good at lding>?

I have attained the abilities to

  1. levitate
  2. run on air
  3. use Sasuke’s “katun, ka no jitsu” firebreathing technique
  4. telekinetic manipulation (influencing items, but not controlling them)
  5. jumping high
  6. slowly passing through solid objects (including putting my hands inside my chest)
  7. walking on water (I was going to fall in ice cold water in an LD, but willed myself not to fall in and jumped of the surface of the water before I hit it)
  8. running fast…like 70mph (100kph for the metric fans)
  9. I can wield and use Zangetsu, Ichigo’s sword from Bleach the anime series, along with calling out its other forms (bankai).

I think that’s about it.

i dont get it,how come u guys doo soo much wid so less lds,as in the case above,this guy has had only 7 lds but can do awesome stuff,weird,but really really cool.

I’ve had more than 7 lds, I just haven’t updated the count. I have 14 pages of my Dream Journal that aren’t on ld4all, but on Sealife. I’ve only successfully wilded once, and not all these powers were exercised in an LD.

I changed the title to make it clearer. It was: Dream Powers you have achieved. But the initial poster was talking about LD’s indeed.

I have (in an LD)

  1. Levitated
  2. Jumped high
  3. Walked on water
  4. Passed through solid objects (twice)

I am not skilled at controlling the dream reality, the real trick is to become a metacharacter who can control things. Like if you became that dude from Akira, you’d be able to use high power telekinesis in your dreams all the time in a dream. It is quite correct to say that your perception is your reality.

  1. Flying and hovering
  2. Telekinesis (able to lift from small objects, to people, to as large as fish markets)
  3. Time Manipulation (rewind, fast forwards, pause)
  4. Dialogue Manipulation (Rewind what a DC said and make’m say another thing, or plan out what a DC will say)
  5. Fireballs, beams of energy, spears of ice, all manners of magical projectiles that anyone would want to throw at monsters in LDs gone nightmare
  6. Breathe underwater
  7. Create Temporal Wakes (They come out as whirling misty portals though they look more solid than misty. I tried tossing DCs in but they just got torn and grinded into paste… small objects though, seem to be able to go through. I on the otherhand, refuse to jump in myself LOL)
  8. Create DreamWorlds… two DreamWorlds so far (refer to Massive LD Experiment in May 2006 topic for details on that)
  9. Create dreamscapes (Just scenes or small areas to explore, nothing too big)
    *8 & 9 are both done by building them in a white void–kind of like a “construction area” for dreamscapes and dreamworlds.
    **the topic that talks about 8 also describes a many bunch of LD powers that I know now but learned through the creating of the DreamWorld Cyrilian.
  10. Attaching abilities and powers to dream objects.
  11. Create “Aspects” of my Self (refer to… eh. I need to make a post on my experiment with “Aspects”)

I’ll post more later :shy:

The thing is I’m a natural LDer and have been doing it for 20 years now.

Hmmm… Good question.

I have:

  1. Flown (badly)
  2. Made a hovering sexy woman appear, which flew while giving… :wink:
  3. jump really high

Still working on all of this, but I’ve made progress which I’m happy with :smile:

Lets see :plotting:
There we go
1 i had pyrokenisis (the same with earth but i dont know the names tryed it with water and air but failed.
2 Morphin
3Going Through A mirror
4Flying (but only as a dragon)
5Calling DC :grouphug:
And thats all