Lucid Dream Powers you have achieved

Ooooooh, last night I could ‘drag’ the sun around and make it any time of the day I wanted, also I could change the seasons!!
I made food appear and transformed into a dolphin too :grin:

I learnt how to shoot meteors down from the sky and crush people last night!
I also learnt how to turn into mist. I was interesting.

Told ya I’d post later :razz: But you didn’t believe me :roll: Did you :wink:

Continuing from where I left off…

  1. Super-friendship :grouphug: I’m serious :lol: Don’t laugh! I can make friends with just about the weirdest DCs :yes: I made friends with Wolfman, a mummy, Dracula, and Frankenstein’s monster and we all had a really good time driving around in a Buick (I think I called the dream Hotboxing in a Buick with My Homies :happy:) and eating caramel candies :good:

  2. Electrokinesis Static Shock-style :happy: I was showing off this new ability to a few of my DC friends at my dream-school, and apparently I can make wooden things explode using this ability :eh: It’s pretty new, so I can only shoot marble-sized electric balls in different colors (like red and green) :tongue:

  3. I used invisibility in one dream where I was a superhero with this guy named Richie (we were saving Dora the Explorer), but apparently it didn’t work on a certain DC whom had some “anti-invisibility-vision.” Other than that–wait :eek: I already mentioned this power :bored:

The real number 13. Mega-lung power :lol: I can breath underwater and in space :ok:

  1. Summoning is an ability I’ve had since I was really little. I’ve had numerous “friends” I could summon to help me out in different situations :plotting: The most commonly summoned DCs are an overly-muscular, weapon-toting Arnold Schwarzenegger-voiced bunny named Mr. Chump :razz: and a big black diesel engine train that seems to have its own sentience. I dubbed it the D-Train or Train D-13 [the “D” could mean anything like, “death,” “destruction,” “destination,” or “demented demon of destruction,” (Domi Li did a poem about this train, too–I think he was intrigued by it) but more commonly “deus ex machina” because of its tendency to get me out of the tightest situations in a snap] :whew:

Okay…I think that’s all I wanted to share :smile:

:angry: Ahh, you people are SO lucky, I want dream powers! :wallhit:

I’m just beginning to experience some stable success with LDing(Lately around 1-2 lucid or semi-lucid dreams per week) and was wondering what powers everyone else has gained? So far I can fly, phase through insubstantial barriers(glass), and materialize swords(by having my left hand “paint” from my right hand to where the tip of the sword is, i tried just having it appear but i couldnt do it). I haven’t been able to summon people or change my enviroment yet.

I have:

  • Sunk and “flied” throught walls, also seeing through them
  • Made demons disappear with waves of my hands
  • Travelled to an anime dimension

There’s a big topic on this already… :smile:

Thanks Dunlar, this topic is now merged with the original topic :good:

Ok, I’m adding to my list since there are some things I forgot and new things I’ve tried…

Control the wheather, (lightning, rain, cloud placement,)
Change the time of day,
Encase my arms in ice, (the left hand always produces colored ice while the other is always this light blue color, :eh: ) and then shoot it at people,
Turn my right arm into a dragon claw, very strong and can rip through things like Wolverine, (very pretty too, shining red-gold scales and black claws,)
Grown and flown with wings, (I don’t like them so much though, they make noise and are annoying, :tongue: )
Breath underwater, (I don’ think this counts though,)
Force fields,
Super stregth,
Paint my own skies, (I’ve stopped doing that because I always screw them up, :happy: )
…and some other stuff I forgot… :tongue:

Cool, I’d like to try that too… What colours?

Well it was kind of a greyish color and I didn’t like it so I held my hand up and started, (it’s kind of like painting a huge canvas, it’s hard to explain,) “painting” it this blue color but I forgot to go around the clouds and the colors of the clouds mixed and they turned this ugly green color :happy: so I messed with it for a while trying to fix it but I kept messing it up worse so I scrapped the whole thing, made it purple, and made my own white/slightly bluish clouds. :content: Once you figure out how to do it it’s really pretty but I’ve only done it a few times because I didn’t want to use up valuable dream time, see ya, (all hail the Dark Side, laughs :ebil: :dark: )

Well, I’ve only had 1 LD in my life, and it was short and lame. I was levitating some pen in a white room and I randomly thought “Hey, why don’t I try a RC?” I Did the nose one and it worked! (YAY!) But I couldn’t move. I just stayed there seated levitating the pen. Then I woke up. :crying:

Don’t think there is much that I can’t do…if you have any abstract ideas for me to try I would be more than happy to oblige.

Lucidity_Master, you can perhaps search for Flo’s posts in the 2005 archive. There were some funny ideas here, and some of them were abstract if I remember well.

Oooh, nice topic.

That “I have a great idea” thread really helped me obtain more controll. It states that if we’re bored in our LD’s, we should create a random world and go into it, look around, talk to a DC, etc.

My powers are:

Being able to move objects in thin air

Creating objects in thin air (fun!)


Fly (superman)

Run really fast

Create DC

Destroy DC

Do something crazy with a DC (for exmaple removing all the DC’s in the area’s hair)

Last night in my LD I spun around and made most of my DC’s dissappear. FUN fun fun :happy:

I fly alot and can make people do what I want.

Today I got the ability to fly like superman, although I had very poor control and only a few seconds. :shy: :shy: I really need to improve what I can do in my dreams… I can get LD’s easily but I don’t have so much power in them :sad:


  1. I can spawn any DC i want whenever I want. (This was the first cool I did in an LD. I usually end yp having sex with some playmate :wink:

  2. I can teleport. But ONLY to cities. This is a bit puzzling to me.

  3. I can walk through stuff. (Last night I walked through a closed door). This is pretty cool .

  4. I CAN’T fly. Except when jumping off sky scrapers

  5. I can make DCs dissapear.

As I don’t do auto suggestion or anything anymore and only have random LDs now adays I usually just do stuff I’ve done before.

Some new powers:

(This is an an ND): I caused the fire to rise then explode like fireworks. It was pretty cool. :tongue:

(In an LD): I looked up at the sky and it was ewwy and gray. So I dragged the sky around into a beautiful blue and then added an ocean not too far ahead.

Too bad we cant change the weather in waking life. :wink: