Lucid Dream Powers you have achieved

I may be over-emphasizing it, but flying really is my best LD power (not my trademark–that title would go to teleporting). I only say this because, it seems even in my NDs flying is really nothing to me (not nothing as in don’t care but nothing as in oh…flying…doesn’t everybody do it?) I think my LD project now will be to find out some cool sub-powers I can develop from flying :ok:

Flying - took me a while to master but I think I got it.
Teleporting is fun, I like to pass my hand in front of my face and be in a different place every time.
I’ve created a dream home and I can recall to that place at any time.
Changing the way DCs look by their hair clothes sex height weight etc. (Hard to control though, not very good at it.)
I’ve sort of got a magic system I like to use, conviently I’m quite godlike as the magic system is very expandable.
I create random creatures that have different purposes to see what my mind conjures.
I can sort of go invisible, but its more like nobody actually notices your there, because thats the way you want it.
Also in dreams transforming into other things is something I’ve experienced recently, but I have no body, just the realization in my mind that I have fins and a tail and can breath underwater, so I must be a fish. Its strange, and I’m still trying to do it more often.

So, what’s the magic system like?

Well I have the ability to make my body have a pretty heavy “pulled” sensation (twice so far)… but then again it happened unintentionally both times.

I have been able to scare myself awake from LD. I guess this isn’t something you’d want to do, but at least I know how to get out of a LD… now if only I knew how to stay in one hahahahahaha.

Whenever the cops are chasing me (and they chase me alot, lmao) I can thrust my hand out towards them and blow them a million miles away. I feel like a magician or something, it’s so great. lol

-Teleporting with mirror
-Teleporting with water
-Super strength(O.K. It was’t super but it was stronger)
-Moving trought solid object.(glass only)
-Making charcters on images come to life.

When I achieve full awareness anything is possible because I know it’s a dream. There are no limitations. Why limit yourself to such things?

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Please share the activities/powers you have actually done in a lucid dream. You might inspire others to be more creative and liberated.

I do agree in principle that if you achieve one dream power, then others are equally possible. However in practice each person experiences are different (and therefore interesting) :smile:

Some valid points asclepius.

If I’m fairly lucid I have no problem hovering, and flying. I will often try to hover upon realising I’m probably dreaming, and when I do I just keep going right through the ceiling (if I’m ‘inside’). If I don’t like where I am I just go through the ground, wall, ceiling whatever, to get where I’d like to go.

I know I don’t have to do that to change the dreamscene, but I like flying in dreams.

I can’t really think of any ‘powers’ that I try or use, because that’s never really a focus for me.

I can only remember a couple of my powers but the main ones involve DCs:
Controlling them
Making them appear (although I can’t make them appear right in front of me, they have to be around a corner, so I haven’t mastered it)
I can also fly, but I’ve only done it once about 3-4 years ago… like most of my powers, before I found this site and started training myself to remember…
Least of all is transmutation, I haven’t come even close to mastering it but 2 nights ago I came fairly close to transforming a stupid little cruddy car into a red Porsche… if only…

Most of my powers must be ‘controlled/activated’ (except for the ones involving DC’s), by which i mean there must be some trigger. For instance 2 nights ago in that same dream I pressed a button for something to happen that I had tried without the button and it didn’t work… I still haven’t completely mastered remembering dreams

I can fly ( Ahhh :tongue: , but not as fast as I want ), pass through walls and materialize things (half of it sometimes! :cry: )

The only thing, just last night, making random doors appear out of nowhere, and stepping through them for where I want to go.

-Flying just by thought
-Walking on water
-Turning lights on and off without using the switches
-Changing something to prove to myself I am dreaming (I usually do this when I feel my lucidity is fading and it keeps me there ^^;)
-Summoning DC’s
-Controlling DC’s
-Asking a DC to teach me something I dont know! This may not sound like a power but it has resulted in some amusing results.
-Teleporting to a new location simply by closing my eyes and opening them again (Though when I do this I tend to wake up shortly after)
-Spinning to change my dream if I dont like the one I’m in!
-Enjoying myself :content: Yes I consider this a power, dreams can be the most beautiful things ever. Have fun.

I think I’ve improved somewhat since I started:

  • Summoning some people
  • Flying averagely
  • Shooting lightning (I’ve been able to do this since I was little)
  • Leaping big heights
  • Changing darkness into a sky with five suns :eek:
  • Growing and flying with wings

Let’s see…

*Flying - in every way there is, going in the speed of light is fun, even when it’s dark ^^

*Stopping time - There is no reason to do this I have found out, it’s cool to do once. :content:

*Summoning lightning - It’s actually very realistic, but doesn’t give out any sounds, and last only for 0.1 second, so that sucks a little.

*Becoming strong - Fun to beat down houses with your hands. :happy:

*Controlling people - Edit: Like dolls.

*Laser out of eyes - Fun fun fun.

*Making a chakra ball - Fascinating.

*Zooming with my eyes - Only good if vivid dream.

*Changing the weather - This is a little hard.

ADDED: Speaking with the voice of god - Awesome, dark powerful voice that could be heard in the hole world!

Now when you shoot laser from your eyes, how does that look?

Whew… where to begin?
I’ve had entire days relived in a lucid dream, noticing details I never thought were there, and being free to entertain different ways I could lived the day. I’ve flown, jumped, ran, passed through solid matter, teleported myself and others… I’ve stopped time, because I believe that to be the coolest power ever. I’ve lived different lives(albeit briefly before waking fully): rich, poor, futuristic, historical and fantastical themes… I’ve even played through a few movies while dreaming lucidly, and that is one fun experience. I have willed women into nakedness(you tried too, I know :tongue:). I have made things happen, and change, like the weather, or transformation of cars, buildings and even myself. I’ve done a whole lot of stuff, and I probably haven’t mentioned half of them here. Yet I am still a neophyte in many ways. I have never changed someone’s mind, or made them do something, but then again, I never really tried.

It’s weird, you see a red light coming straight out of your eyes, it’s something one has to try for oneself :smile:

I found a new power! The power to trick myself into thinking I’m awake! O_O I’m pretty sure everyone else can do this too XD

Like wake yourself up?