Lucid Dream Powers you have achieved

Nah. Thats the easy part. This power is mainly me wanting to be dreaming, but convincing myself I’m not. Useful isnt it? x.o

Whooo… i lately mastered airbending and telekinisis!! :grin:
Beware… dun dun DUN SD’s here! :nuu: :ebil:

Was anyone able to produce sparkles, lighting or the like from their fingertips?
(Like the guy in “Waking Life” when they were talking about the holy moment)

I tried that and all i got was hurting fingertips.
They were pounding and felt like they were going to explode so i stopped and continued reshaping a wheatfield into a flowergarden :happy:

Was anone be able to produce such “party effects”

Also an nice power:
Repairing broken objects (like porcelain or such), i can levitate the pieces in midair and then combine and meld them so they are good as new :smile:

I refined my mind control last night… Made a DC punch his friend, and them himself, in their stomachs. The looks on their faces was gold.

I finally compiled a list of what I’ve accomplished in LDs. :grin:

Ordered by when I first used them:

  1. Telekinesis (2nd LD)
  2. Manipulating a TV (4th LD, not complete control)
  3. Walking through walls (or fences) (5th LD, inconsistent; 21st LD)
  4. Sinking through floors (5th LD)
  5. Making an ending screen appear and editing it (7th LD)
  6. Jumping really high (8th LD; 21st LD, to a lesser extent)
  7. Shrinking (12th LD - only partial success; 23rd LD; 25th LD)
  8. Walking on walls (18th LD - only partial success)
  9. Changing a small part of my body (18th LD)
  10. Entering a poster (25th LD)

Hmm, only 10 LD powers used in 26 LDs. :neutral:

walking through walls(well, a glass door)

not much else…

  • Flying
    -Creating fire (this was difficult and took me a long time)
    -Send objects flying away from me as I raise my arms like moses in explosive like manner

Hmmm… As of yesterday I seem to have gained the power to summon magic power by chanting heavy metal songs.
Altough until now I’ve only actually created a dragon, an energyball and a fireball with it I’m sure I’ll get to experiment a bit more tonight ^^.
(to do list: Hadoken
Mr. Fantastic stretching powers
turning skin into metal or stone, making me an impervious running cannonball ^^
and some insane gods I could perhaps summon a lá Final Fantasy (thinking of Cuthulu, Vishnu, Tezcatlipoca, Apep, Wodan))

Lat night i was able to summon DCs (after a lot of tries :bored: ) and i think i could also stay consious during the change of the different stages of sleep…0o

I’m most adept at flying, growing wings, walking through walls, sinking through floors, and just like Inquisitor Bob I’ve been able to do these summons of grand mythical creatures and making them attack stuff. (Yes, definitely too much Final Fantasy!) (If there is such a thing.)

Heh, I recall that after playing FF7 quite intensely I actually fought battles in my dreams (actually had a HP and MP bar floating next to me ^^).
It’s kind of frustrating though to have to select your attack in a menu instead of directly attacking with the body, my menu got stuck and I got killed by that stupid scorpion robot from the beginning XD.

X-ray vision
Walking through closed doors
Repairing broken glass
Running fast (Not superfast, but like 30-40MPH fast)

omg you guys are making me uber jealous… I can’t even stay in a LD yet… AHHHHHH

i’ve done it all, you name it i’ve done it

passing through solid objects
flying at light speed
running at light speed
changing dream scenary
shooting ki balls of energy
the list goes on…

my fav. time was when i had 100% control, it was like being filled with 100% confidence in your abilities and having full control over your subconscious. I remember a car coming towards me very fast so i put my hand out and stopped it using my pinky finger, then i made the guy driving burst into flames and then i put him out by creating a gust of wind. It was absolutely incredible experiencing full control like this :happy:


hehe well i could offer some advice

firstly, try to overcome and remove any thoughts of limitations and expectations - you need to believe you can do it and keep trying different approaches for each one until you acheive the desired effect. So I guess the first lesson is to never give up and dont move onto trying a new power until you have accomplished the first one your trying.

for example, if your trying to fly there are many ways you can try to fly, you can swim in the air, or visualise the ground moving away from you, you can imagine throwing an invisible rope up towards the clouds and using it to pull yourself up, you can imagine an invisible rocket pack, or a gust of wind to blow you up high in the sky, etc, etc.

some times the powers come from within, sometimes from the mind, and sometimes from your visualisation and imagination - using your eyesight to change appearance of things.

fear and death are usually evaded in lucid dreaming, you need to overcome these and not worry about them at all. Once you have accomplished this you wont be afraid of jumping from a high building or running up to a wall trying to pass through it.

There are many techniques you can use for each type of power, you just got to think of all the different ways you can use to test the power.

… thats like the advise you get from the uber guy in an action / kung fu movie… except it actually applys to real life (or rather, not-so-real life). Awesome, thanks :thumbs:

I have LD’s naturally.
Is this normal?

Yes :yes:
Some people are natural LDers.

My powers so far:
Flying on a thought alone
breathing underwater
making and controlling fireballs (one of my favorites :razz:)

My problem right now is shapeshifting: I can change my appearance, but my body still feels in a humanoid shape. One of the main reasons I started LDing was so I could experince different body shapes.