Lucid Dream Powers you have achieved

That’s what I want to achieve as well :content:

Powers I can do so far:
Flying by thought alone, as fast as I want
commanding DC’s
Passing through windows without breaking them
smashing my hand through a wall
conjuring up items and DC’s

Hmmm… Polymorphism, Flight, Stamina beyond that of a normal human, Teleportation and mind control. I believe thats it.

  1. Flying. Just because it has to be on here. :razz: I love that experience.
  2. I don’t know what you would call it, but I often entertain myself by turning rude DC’s into styrofoam figures. I do this by placing my hand on them, and just willing it to happen. They get stiff as a board, and then because they’re so light, you can chuck 'em around like no tomorrow! :happy:
  3. Going down through the earth. I like to dig down and explore deep in the earth, by summoning a drill, or just warping myself there by walking through a door or going through a mirror, and expecting to come out in my desired destination.
  4. I like transforming into under-water creatures. It’s really fun to feel yourself actually take on a different shape, and getting to swim around under-water is nice too. :colgate:

I might come back and add more later. ^^

I tried to do that once. Nothing happened…

Belive it or not, i cannot fly yet, but my magic(like fireballs and stuff) and telekinetics is beond belife good. I even made my own spell, which is also telekinetic, it just makeing someone get cut up into tiny peices. oh telekinetics are so powerful…once I’ve even grabed the moon, which was VERY hard to do, but when it came to me, I woke up because of the shock of it landing on me :eek:

in dreams, i used to flip out because i would forget something at home and spend a lot of dream time trying to find certain objects. Now i just call objects to come to my hand that is usually extended behind me. they always come lucid or not. this is usually to the amazement of peeps around me, and it makes me feel much better that i can save time. eg. im at school last night and i realise that i don’t have my wallet. i just put my hand behind me and willed the wallet to fly from all the way home to me. in 1 second i felt it in my hand. :cool:

Something I forgot to mention in my last post is teleportation. I personally like to close my eyes, imagine the scene, and when I open them again, I’m there. If that fails though, opening a door or going through a mirror while thinking that on the other side is where you want to be will usually work.

For now, not much, but here is the list anyway:

  • Flying, Floating etc
  • DC Casting
  • Building (objects)
  • Morphing/Transforming (objects, not self)
  • Phasing through walls.

Next part can be found here :content: