lucid dream?

I wasn’t sure where to put this post, but if I mod feels that it should be moved somewhere else, by all means…

last night I fell asleep, and I had this weird dream. I used to work in electronics at Sears here at home I haven’t worked there since December. Well, in my dream, the whole store was rearranged, and my manager called me back to work, I was walking around talking to all of my old coworkers (even some that no longer work there) and we had all this new equipment that we never had before, along with some really old stuff that is completly outdated. This couple walked in and started asking me questions in my dream and I was walking around with them showing them stuff… and it was then I raelized I was in a dream and just started talking to them about different TV’s…

next part:

I don’t know how I got here, but I ended up in Ames (ya know the dept store that went bankrupt?) well, thsi one was all different from the last one, and I was a superhero… and this big fight erupted in one of the isles between a couple superheros, and people on the intercom were telling people to stay away from the area so it could get handled by professionals… then I realized “hey, I wanna go see what’s going on” and I just started flying over everyone in the store and then I looked behind me and saw other people doing the same thing. it was really weird… then I woke up to my television and alarmclock going off (ya gotta love CMT in the mornings… )

You wanna know if this was a lucid dream?

Well, it’s usually quite easy to tell if it is…

If you knew that you were dreaming, and could act upon this, then it was a lucid dream.

If you could just do amazing stuff (such as fly) but didn’t know it was a dream (you thought it was real) then it wasn’t a lucid dream.

But isn’t it to dream about being lucid? I know i’ve dreamt about being lucid… I do everything I have wanted to do in a LD, but i’m not really lucid. One way I can tell is when i’m lucid my dreams are in 1st person view, and in my normal dreams it is in 3rd person view, like watching a movie… but i’m the camera guy that is actually there.

Really? My ND’s are in usually in first person (not always though…).

A dream in which you act out the thigns you wanna do when your lucid, but you don’t actually know you’re lucid, is called a False Lucid Dream (FLD).

Trust me, real lucid dream are alot more real and vivid…


I agree with Sureal. The only thing I would add is that it is a good sign that you are at least starting to wake up in your dreams so continue to practice.

Good luck


This is what some people call a false lucid dream but, could also be an incubated dream which is a different kind of dream control. When you go to bed thinking about a topic there is a chance that you will dream about it. Again it is a good sign because the idea of lucid dreaming is starting to filter into your dreams and it is just a mater of time now. So keep practicing.

the dream was in 1st person…

it was amazing though… I found about… almost 2 years ago… and every once in awhile i’ve tried having LD’s… but more recently, over the past 2 weeks, I feel like I’m getting closer and closer to my goal… hopefully by the end of the summer I’ll be able to control my dreams in the way I awnt them to… and possibly have an OBE

If you practice more consistently I think you will be surprised with the results. Anyone can learn to have lucid dreams and it is not that hard to do. However, like any skill, lucid dreaming takes practice in the beginning.

Just a thought :smile:

Same here, my NDs are in 3rd person view aswell :content: