Lucid dreaming a sleep disorder?

there is a valid point in saying


lucidity is actually, the order or organization of sleep
and NDs are disorderly.

I think I saw everyone saying “I got 1 and 4. I like 1. LDing is fun!” type comment. Yeah, they probably didn’t even know anything like LD4all exists… poor them…

EDIT: I meant in the article Moogle found

Though I don’t think lucid dreaming should be considered a disorder, I can’t help but think of those people who have come to ld4all and said they had real problems with it.
Involontarily having lucid dreams doesn’t sound like such a bad thing to us because we want them. But what if you don’t want them?
Imagine if we wanted to sleepwalk instead! Then we would probably say that THAT wasn’t a disorder. And so when people sleepwalk involontarily we would not recognize their problem.
I’m not much for defining new disorders, because you can define anything as a disorder if you try hard enough. But if lucid dreaming should fit into their fat book of diagnoses, it should be called INVOLONTARY lucid dreaming. Just like we’d consider involontary emptying of bowels a disorder, even though it wouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t involontary.
What is normal is simply what is common, it is not necessarily a bad thing to be uncommon. In fact, I like things better if they are not normal.