Lucid dreaming a sleep disorder?

My physics teacher gave me a copy of the October 2008 Popular Science Magazine where I found Lucid dreaming in a list of “Bizarre Sleep Disorders” They put lucid dreaming along with night terrors, sleep eating, sleep paralysis and rem sleep behavior disorder.

:uh: Why call it a disorder? I don’t see it as a bad thing…thoughts anyone?

Those scientist can kiss mah bootay! Nothing wrong with it. They are calling everything disorders now. :sad:

You know what, I completely agree with tyrael, if they wanted to, everyone could be considered having a disorder… they probably put LD’s on there because it’s a phenomenon, not a disorder. It’s not simply sleeping. Google LD’s, theres no Test/Diagnosis links going on!

Haha! I say the same about the ADD/ADHD I was diagnosed with. To this day I do not believe that completely exists. Simply that the school system hass become too standardized, ideas on what is “normal” are too narrow.

Isn’t a disorder usually something you can’t control? I mean LD’s are induced the great majority of the times… :bored:

Nothing is really a disorder unless you consider it to be.
If it makes you feel good,
You shouldn’t really care if the entire world says its bad…

Disorder- “to disturb the regular or normal functions of”
The word disorder is not exactly a disease of sorts. All it means is that we are changing the normal habits of our sleep, which we are when we LD. :content:
A fun disorder at that!

guess you’re right.
dis - order
but that raises another question
who is to say what’s normal?
maybe some years ago, people were struggling to achieve normal dreams?..
The current modern man just loves and is fueled by labeling and “organizing” his life.
Most people today can not disconnect from the terms and definitions they set up.

“If you can’t seem to do what you’re trying to, there’s one thing you should do that will definitely make you succeed. That is forgetting everything you already know.”

Is this your quote or someone elses?

a physical or psychical malfunction

The definition I found. When I look at Ariel’s analysis, it makes sense. This above, I don’t think that an LD is a malfunction AT ALL! That is going a little far to the dorky know-it-alls behind Popular Science.

maybe we should all write to their “letters to the editor” thing, if they have one, protesting [insert appropriate smiley of angry mob]

WHAT! If lucid dreaming is a disorder, then… I love my disorder!

I don’t remember if I said that quote or my friend did. Ill check it out and get back to you if it really interests you. I also like putting “” marks on any sentences I said in the past and feel the need to repeat them.

I simply don’t care what they all say.
It doesn’t change Lucid Dreaming for me.
I wouldn’t like to even think how my life will be if i’d be affected by the media’s suggestions.

relV don’t worry about it too much, I just happen to like quotes-and in this case I was thinking on it for a while; I wondered exactly what you meant by it.

sure Q, we can write some letters. Lets show these guys!

I think i need a link to the article. It should be on a website or something.

Yes I found it! anyone who does care to write letters about the article here’s their website: I’m pretty sure you will find the article there-just for all my defensive friends they did not actually say negative things about it, i just don’t have time to look now.

/me flips through the endless amounts of pages that are in that site

Edit: /me gives up :sad:

From what I’ve read in other places, some scientists think that lucidity is an illusion - we only think we have control etc when lucid dreaming and so this way of thinking is a disorder?

(i’ll browse the site later and edit this post with my thoughts then :smile: )

I only found this on the site
Bizarre Parasomnias and Sleep Disorders
Science reveals what happens when your sleeping, dreaming and waking worlds collide

One of the comments …

someone should put a link to LD4all on that page :wink:

Disorder? :lol:

I think they might be sending a bad message to people. When they see that lucid dreaming is a “disorder” they might think that lucid dreaming is unhealthy or wrong.
They should have a retraction in the next issue because they are biasing people to not want to lucid dream. The Wikipedia article on lucid dreaming does not describe lucid dreaming as a “disorder” at all. Instead it is called a “Benign phenomena”.

Although you are right, I wouldn’t direct people to Wikipedia. The majority of its information is biased. :tongue: Oh well though.