Lucid Dreaming... but can't do anything speical!

Last night, I had my first lucid dream. I wasn’t trying to or anything, and the only reason I know about lucid dreaming is that a few years back I read a book where one of the characters could lucid dream so I read up a little on it online, but quickly gave up because I have a hard time remembering my dreams. Anyway, as I said, last night I had a dream where I was in some medieval castle and a bunch of friends from school were there. I remember thinking, “I’m dreaming!” and then saying, “I wish it was Saturday right now,” but nothing happened. Then a lot of weird things happened and it seemed to go on forever, but I’m not sure if I was aware I was still in a dream.

If I ever find myself lucid in a dream, is there any way to go about making things actually happen, or making myself remember my dreams better? Thanks for your help!

There is, time, patience and experience.

For remembering dreams the best thing is to write them down in your dream journal.

My first lucid dream lasted less then 10 seconds. Like the person above said time and experience will do wonders.

There are a couple things I’ve done to make things happen. If you want to bring someone into a dream, find a door and imagine that person on the other side of it then open it. Once I was outside where there was no doors so I imagine a car coming by with the person in it. ( the car ended up being a transport and the person was someone completely different but it was a step in the right direction haha).

If you want try going to a different location you can try flying there. Just some tips from my limited LD experiences.

[color=olive]-You’ve got to believe it as if it was second nature, hardwire it into your DNA. Like when you do an RC or come across a sittuation where you could use a special ability think to yourself," I would use [Insert super power], but Im not in my lucid state.
-Day dream about it
-Meditate on it
-Then when in the LD just do it. (Heh like Nike)

Thats all I got for now. [/color]

What Koharo said is spot on. Technically speaking, you don’t need practice or time. You can do it, so you just need to do it. It’s a bit cliche by now, but it’s very true: You need to realize that there is no spoon. Once you realize that, everything else is simple.

Watch the first matrix movie. Neo technically learns how to use lucid dreaming super
powers and stuff. In my opinion the director got it spot it, and it’s a good watch. (You need to truly know that you can do the things, not as a thought but as feeling)

Edit: What Koharo said!

Yeah but even in the movie Neo needed time and patience to learn things. There is no progress without time, that’s what we call leaning…

As someone who is in the learning stage, I agree with this. In every lucid dream I have had, I have been progressively doing more and more. I’m pretty excited to see how much control I’ll have in my next one.

I know that you need to learn it. Don’t they illustrate that throughout the whole movie??? He only pulls it of at the end, and the stuff about never making the jump the first time etc… I think they make that point.