The other day I was thinking of some not to hard ways to keep my mind on Dreaming. Something to the affect of a post it note. With righting on it that would hint to check my reality. Stuck to the front of my Computer monitor. Or a scrolling marquee screen saver, that does the same. Just a small hint to do a reality check or something. The problem with these is. I use both of them, and they just don’t ever seem to get my attention. Sometimes I look at them, sometimes I don’t. When I do, I usually never do a RC.
So I started looking for something better. Maybe something with more color, something bigger, or something that had to do with dreaming. I was thinking a cool LD desktop would be nice. I looked all over on the web for something cool, and I couldn’t find anything that I was looking for. So I decided to make my own. After a few hours I came up with one. It is quite enjoyable, and I have done a few RC while looking at it. I went ahead and made a webpage. So I could post it on the web, and share it with all of you. Hope you like it
I plan on making a few more, and I will ad them to the webpage. If you have any cool ideas. I would be more then happy to edit any of them or make a custom one that has some of the ideas from the members who post here.
Yes, I made it all from scratch. It was fun too. Not sure if everyone clicked the link or not. I was just going to link the actual picture to the post. I wasn’t sure if it was to big or not though. If you do take the time to look at it. Just right click it and then click. Set as background. To make it your desktop background. I am glad you guys liked it. I am using it as my desktop now
that’s a good desktop jilhad, i don’t know how you couldn’t do an RC when you see it ! i’m not saying you have to do this or anything, but an entire lucid dreaming desktop theme to fit your background would be awesome! you could have sounds on your comp that would remind you to RC too. you could lots of stuff with it…
great desktop, i’m gonna use it . can’t wait to see the other ones your gonna make
I’ve actually been working on that since sometime last year. Though I’m working on a sound theme and not a desktop, icon, or images. I really need to start working on it again since I think it would compliment this desktop very well!
Jihad, you’ve created a beautiful desktop. I’m amazed at how well you’ve transformed a blurry LD into an image for our desktop. I think it is a collage of things memorable to a lucid dreamer. Thanks!
My knowledge isn’t great on the subject but ‘Jihad’ doesn’t just mean a Holy War, it’s any endeavour that promotes the religion or any striving against evil in the name of the religion.
I’ve just been enthralled with all the middle east conflict for some time now. No idea why, but I been using it along with a few other names that have reference to the troubles in the middle east. Such as Al Jazeera, al-Qaeda, and Taliban as chat handles. Plus I play allot of online games with chat, and allot of us yell Jihad when we are attacking. Regardless of the meaning. It sounds like a cool word to me .
Hope there was no confusion. I am %100 USA all the way, Just kind of use the name as an Opposite . If that makes any sense?
I should have been clearer, I simply meant that it doesn’t necessarily mean a literal war, it’s like the English word ‘Battle’, you can also have a battle against cancer, against depression, against prejudice, it doesn’t have to be a martial act.
Either way, nice desktop Jihad It actually reminds me of something I saw in a dream recently.
Well done, I’m impressed. It’s often difficult to capture the surreality and indefinite nature of dreams in a picture in real life, but you’ve just about done it, I think
I made some more Wallpaper. I don’t personally like this one better then the other one, but it actually has a photo of me in it. Plus I am naming this one lol. It is called Lucid Dream Legs. Maybe you will enjoy it? I do … It is right under the first one.
It was made for my desktop. So it might not fit perfectly on yours. Just pick stretch to fit under your desktop options, after you choose it as your desktop by right clicking on it and selecting set as background lol. Just in case you didn’t know hehe.
Ah cool. I fixed the resolution on the bottom background. If you go to it now it will look allot better. It was bugging me . The file is a bit bigger, and will take a bit longer to load, but what the hey. As long as it looks good in the desktop.
I made another desktop. This one is pretty cool. I like this one the best. Just cause it has hands in it. I use my hands to all my reality checks now days. It has seemed to work the best for me.
This screenshot is actually a paused frame from, Lord of the Rings. Hope you enjoy it.
There are 4 desktops on the page now, and they are pretty high rez. It might take a minute for them to all show up if you are using dial up modem.accutally
I made some avatars. The pics that go under your name when you post. They are on my website with the wallpapers. Just right click them and check properties to find out the url. You can link in under your profile options. Just thought I would make a few. For a little more variety. I’ll make more soon. Hope you like one of them.