Lucid dreaming is hard work...

LDing is mentaly draining, Im not complaining, becaue in the last week I have had three LDs,so it does pay off, but between Mild, Wild, WBTB, dream journal, LDforums, RC, and what ever else It is hard work.I would like to do it another week to see if I can brake this weeks record, and then Ill have to take a littl brake from it.

Really? I don’t find it any harder than day to day basis.

RC’s take pretty much no effort, I only use MILD at night (and it only invloves thinking), I’m use to WBTB, I do my DJ’s whenever I can find time and the LD4All forums have taken over my old fav forum (

they are draining when you first start regularly having them but you will adjust.

That’s a silly attitude to take. Calling it draining will only make you experience it as more so.

i suppose so, but he already finds them draining and i found them draining from my own personal experience, not with people telling me they were.

i would be lucid most the whole night only getting 3-4-5 hours of sleep, and when i woke up it felt like i hadn’t been sleeping since i had been so active in my dreams.

it’s just a psychological thing, lucidity negates the traditional views that sleep has to be something passive and inactive.

it took a few weeks to adjust to.

I don’t find it draining at all. but then again I don’t do MILD, WILD,Dream journal, or WBTB… I occasionaly will do a RC or something though. But it definitely shows that i don’t do any techniques because i rarely have lucid dreams.

I don’t find lucid dreaming to be draining at all. If anything I find them up lifting.

Do you mean you find lucid dreaming to be draining? Or, is it the work to get lucid (i.e.: RC, MILD, WILD, etc)

If it is the latter have no fear. You will get used to doing them. Waking up in the morning and writing down your dreams will become routine as will everything else. In a sense you are making a lifestyle change. While I do not characterize that change as hard it does take some effort at first. Trust me that effort i.e. well worth it in the end.