It will probably be hard to devote all your time to it, Stephen LaBerge was really lucky to find a supportive and well-known sleep researcher like William Dement as mentor when he started his LD-research at Stanford University. So you’re going to need some luck. It’s probably better to start with a broader perspective, for example general sleep research, experimental psychology, brain/consciousness research. I wish you lots of succes because we really need people like that
Well first off i want to say sorry for the very slow reply lol i have been busy. Any way yes know stephen was lucky but i belive in my skill and my luck so i should be right there. and i have sent emails to the lucidity inst, but there are well lets say not right for responding to such emails, they cant understand waht i am asking. guess cause i am still a teen.
And plus the issue of money lol i dont have much so getting there would b ahrd. thanx though ppl
I think it depends on what you want to do with lucid dreaming. Like if you wanted to write about it you don’t even need to go to school necessarily for that. If you wanted to work in a dream labratory you cuold look into different schools where they have those. At least in america I know there are lots of sleep research labratories. I’m sure there are some in Aus too. One thing you could do is ask your councellors or advisors at school. I think psychology is a good start. Also I’m sure you could get a scholarship once you find out where you want to go.