Woah. It has been forever since I have been here. I don’t know why, because I quite enjoy this site. Well anyway. I was just wondering what types of lucid dreaming methods you guys know of. I would really apprieciate if you could post things that you really find help you to LD. Thank you all!
Well…i havnt found THE ONE that is good for me. there is a lot of methods out there. the ones I know of are VILD, MILD, CILD [Mine], WILD, Incubation, CAT, PILD, RILD, DILD, and a few others…
I am not really sure what it is you are asking. There are many induction techniques out there and it would most likely take all night to explain them all. However, my favorite induction technique is WILD.
The most important thing with any induction technique is: (IMO)
=> Do frequent Reality Checks or experience everything as if it were a dream several times a day.
=> Keep a dream journal.
Some techs I can think of right now: MILD, WILD, VILD, HILD, a bunch of other -ILDs, shamanic drumming, autosuggestion, rereading your dream diary to become familiar with your LDs, SP induced LDs, intention strengthening, dream yoga techs, RC-induced LDs (mainly DILDs), Suneye method, Atisha’s method, lucid living, shortcuts (melatonin, tryptophan, phenylalanine,… see this topic), the Holy Spiral, Brainwave Generator, Novadreamer, selfhypnosis, the rope technique, various meditation techs (for instance Tibetan tigle meditations where you visualize balls of light and clear sounds on the throat and third eye chakra),… and probably some more.
You can use the search function to find more information about them. Or you can just ask ofcourse
My usual method is when i go to sleep i tell to myself: “now i’m going to sleep and everything i will see will be a dream. And if i will see a dream i will know that it is a dream. And if i see this-and-that (my dream-signs) i will know that it is a dream”
Usually it works for my last dream (or some late dream) i see before waking up in the morning. But as you see from my signature, i’m not very good in LD’ing.
I have also tried waking up in morning and trying to enter into LD, but so far it has ended with only lucid moments, where i dont have much success creating the dream context, besides of few pictures.
Also one of my favourite dream sign (my childhood home) has helped me once to gain lucidity. But not other times, even as i see the same sign almost every night.
I’m pretty sure that waking early, spending some time on reading about LD and going back to sleep would be more effective for me, but sometimes i don’t have as much time. And usually when i wake up too early, i will sleep too much afterwards so i waste my day