Lucid dreaming - nightmares and sleep paralysis

I have had lucid dreams since I was little. I only recently discovered their potential. But every time I enter a lucid state of mind I freak out and I’m terrified afraid of the dream to turn into a nightmare and eventually wake up completely paralised. How do I control my dreams and chill out? I’d love to travel through my mind in my dreams.

I only had one succesful lucid adventure but I woke up almost immediately.

Before falling asleep tell yourself that you will remain calm when you become lucid. Plan your first actions. Stabilizing the dream is a good idea. Once lucid, telling yourself to remain calm helps as well. In my first lucid dreams I just stared at my hands to remain calm. So stop and focus on your dream body and the dream world around you.

Try to understand what causes you to freak out, maybe you can find a different solution for the problem. You could try meditating and controlling your thoughts better while awake. Sometimes nothing helps and there is just too little time to react in the dream, but that’s ok. Trial and error, every attempt can’t be perfect and sometimes you just have bad luck.

Thanks brother for your response. I do have trouble controlling my thoughts inside my dream but once I start to freak out the only thing I try is to wake up and avoid sleep paralysis. But why I freak out is because I’m afraid that I get negative thoughts which will be processed in my dreams; like that girl with the black hair from the movie “The Ring”. But I guess I’ll just have to keep trying to remain calm. Would doing yoga or listening to my breathing work? Or does that totally depend on myself?

Yoga and listening to your breathing could help, but I think dealing with that fear directly is more important. It’s good that you can put it into words. So you fear that the dream will turn into a nightmare and you don’t have control over it? Why do you think that? It’s your dream. That world is your mind’s creation. Anything that you believe will happen. Anything that you think will become a part of the dream. You are a god in that world.

You can take a completely different attitude towards it. Expect it to turn into a nightmare so you can face the fear. If some monsters appear, treat them as friends. Talk to them, hug them, give them a funny hat etc. You just need more confidence and to realize that you are in control in dreams. Try autosuggesting that. Once you manage to remain in the lucid dream for a moment without wanting to wake up, but you’re still afraid, try to summon or find something that you can believe to keep you safe. It could be a person that will protect you for the rest of the dream or a ring that makes you invisible. It can be anything as long as you believe in it’s power.

That makes sense I guess. I’ll be trying it out then as soon as I randomly get a LD. I’ve been dreaming a lot lately since I stopped smoking weed. I think I don’t have to deal directly with those fears as long as I manage to maintain a positive line of thought in the dream.

I can’t wait to trip balls in my dreams.