Lucid dreaming tea

I don’t know if it’s a placebo or not but I’m willing to try these. Has anybody else tried them and has it worked? I heard they taste nice. … g-tea.html

Could it enduce a LD with WBTB?

tried the second one, specifically Guayusa & Coconut… meh… didn’t really work. the only time this ‘lucid dreaming tea’ actually worked, was when i napped. I have a LD and/or OBE almost every time i nap. i didn’t feel any sort of spontaneous LDs or vivid like LDs. and i am very sensitive. also, i tried googling Guayusa and LDs, and i couldn’t find it anywhere. the guy could be using it as a selling gimmick, but don’t quote me on that. all i know, is that you still have to put in the work into having LDs. this means keeping regular Dream Diary, do reality checks (which the seller encourages you to do btw), and take naps (the most important part of the process in inducing LDs/OBEs). sorry, but unless you told me you tried the other LD from the first link, and it’s an actual herb like ayahuasca that induces trance like states, it still goes back to what i said. you must put in your own work. there is no shortcut, no magic pill outside of a few psychedelics that shouldn’t be taken outside of a ceremony imo.

p.s. the coconut tea tastes like crap. and i love coconut. i guess it’s cuz it has no sugar. i should’ve just ordered the regular tea. I got a free sample of Guayusa & Roobos, which tasted much better.