A few months ago i found this recipe for some sort of lucid dreaming tonic. It has some wierd ingredients, and it isn’t too pleasant to chug down. But i forget who wrote it. Here’s the message:
[b]There is a tonic you can create out of common household goods that will force you to have lucid dreams! It’s easy to create and it has been fully tested and has been proven to cause lucid dreams 95% of the time! Even those who had no luck the first night had total success the next! Here’s what you’ll need. There aren’t any specific measurements for the ingredients. There’s really no wrong way to do it. Just don’t add very little or very copius amount, add in proportion to how much water you use.
Water-Just one glass will do. Use the amount of water you use as a reference point for how much of you other ingredients you use.
Salt-Add a small amount, just ensure you can actually taste it.
Sugar-More sugar than salt, but still an overall small amount.
Crushed grain types cereal-Something like Cheerios or Wheaties. A good idea is to use the cereal dust at the bottom of the bag.
- Flour-Moderate amount enough to the point where the water clouds up and you cannot see through it.
There may have been exact measurements, however in my infinite idiocy I forgot them, but there’s no need to be perfect; I can vouch for that. Mix all of the ingredients together. The final concoction may seem pretty vile, but it will be worth it in the end! Drink it all. Remember you WILL lucid dream because of it! I’m not entirely sure how this works. It has something to do with the amount of water and some other material in your body. A vitamin or mineral, I think.
I need anyone who tries this, hopefully everyone who reads, to drink it all, sleep and report your results only if you remember your dream. If you don’t remember, don’t report. This drink only guarantees lucid dreams. This drink is not guaranteed to aid dream recall, although some say it did help them.
If anyone wants to talk to me about the drink you can contact me at gyork99@yahoo.com gyork99 on YIM or gyork98 on AIM I’d rather not answer questions on this board. Remember this is the only method guaranteed to induce lucid dreams, without question. You will have a lucid dream! Give it a shot, you have everything to gain![/b]
I have tried it the last 2 nights, but nothing has happened. If you are the person who made this, please send me a private message so i can credit you. Thanks.