Lucid dreaming used to "unlock" abilitys

Urg! I was hoping to master my AP World History Class…Reading that textbook bores me to death half the time.

But you could read it , than ask for a livly illustration in your LD.
With history this could get especially interresting :smile:
And if you are interrested in sumtin : you remember it better :cool:

(you could ofc also flip through the pages and than try to retrieve the knowledge from you SC … but i dont recommend that if you want a more than 30% chance to master the exam :wink: )

btw: in my book (no pun intended) history is extremly interresting :yes:

i find this rather interesting.

but what exactly is an ability :confused: i mean, i consider Lding to be an ability for me its something that i enjoy that noone else that i kow of in my area can do, people say i have the ability to play basketball well, if everybody else was just as good thay wouldnt say that.

some have the ability to dance, everyone can do it if they work hard enough, but the few who are naturals are said to have the ability. does this just mean to have a gift that few people can do?

now lets say unlocking , lets say ‘powers’
first how many have read the book Eragon, for those of you who have you know that he can touch animals with his mind, he cant talk to them but he can communicate with them stubley none the less.

So imangine you go lucid and take the elevator to the room with the big locked door. this door keeps things out of your mind and keeps you in your mind, i wonder what would happen if you unlocked this door?

just a thought…

Maybe will have to try picking the lock to the ‘ability cupboard’ next time im in a lucid dream, though Im worried mine will be empty :sad:


I have thought the EXACT same thing, going to a door in your mind labled “Memory” or something. Open it, and you have it. You’ve heard of a [color=brown]photographic memory [/color]or [color=brown]Perfect pitch[/color] (Hear any sound and know it instantly) maybe THIS could be possible?

This is EXACTLY why I wanted to LD in the first place! (well, of course do other things like flying)
I’ve always wanted a better memory and I’d really like to try and see if I can achieve some sort of improvement on my memory when I get a LD.
Someone who has frequent LD’s should defiantly try this!

Definitely. I fully believe it’s possible. Telekinesis as well. I also think you can learn how to teleport in real life. I need to try this, but first I must Lucid dream lol!

The one ability I am most interested in is flying. According to Einstein and his Theory of Relativity, he stated that gravity occurs merely because of light. Light bends around the sun keeping us in an orbit. His texts could explain it better. Maybe telekinesis as well, moving objects with the mind.

But I have a distinct feeling that “powers” or “abilities” that alter another human beings reality are without a doubt impossible. You can’t play with free will. Such as mind reading, or mind control, or changing someone into something (another person, dog, cat, w/e).

I find this most interesting. If we can use LD’s to unlock “abilities”. LD’s played a big part in my music discovery. I built the foundation for my talent in dreams, then carried my passion and talent into the real world. I don’t know if you mean stuff like that, talents of such, or “powers” like flight. But hey, maybe we’re all missing the point with this topic.

Maybe we can do all these things, but only in dreamland, thus eliminating the manipulation of others free will. I could accept that. That I can’t fly in Waking Life, but once I close my eyes light is mine to bend and alter. Thus creating an alternate reality of my own.

i’d like to think one could unlock the ability to fly. hopeful thinking.

Guys, i have discovered something unbelievable, It’s why i’ve been gone for so long, apologies to all.

I need to calm down and do a fair bit more research, because i know of no one who has done this. In no way do i think i am special, and i believe few will be able to imitate this, but could be terribly misused, I do think i am the first, Yes, out of the billions. I’m still frightened to speak of it to anyone in my life, i feel lucky beyond belief to have experienced this.

One thing i will say to you all is, there is a significant connection to the real world and our own dream world in a very real way. I am no scientist, but this is incredible. So many thoughts racing though my mind right now. How has no one spoke of, or discoverd this? Of all the scientists, dream researchers.

Edit: If anyone would like to add me to Msn to discuss this please do so, Though, i need someone ‘like me’? I don’t know, someone responsible and with lucid dreaming knowledge to discuss this with. My E-mail is

I keep editing, Sorry.

by sharing explicitly your understandings with the community our evolution is furthered,

this is what the shaman by any other name does, he speaks freely knowing that some will understand

Eyelids, you are the most motivational, positive person I have ever seen. You are my new hero, ok?

Awww, okay !
:wiske: :wiske: :wiske: :wiske: :wiske: :wiske: :wiske: :wiske: :wiske:

Watch me bend a spoon with my bare hands!!!
:grrr: :grrr: :grrr: :grrr: * bends spoon! * :grrr: :grrr: :grrr: :grrr:

but I do want to know what this user discovered!

Yes yes, I do too. I think it could actually be something important :eek:

I also think that it is very possible, and when i get to the point where LD’ing is no problem for me (im staying optimistic :grin: ) then why not try and practice real life things in your LD’s and see if you can become better at whatever you practice in your LD’s.

Please try to follow, forgive the “un-relatable-genius” writing this.


First of all, I want to go ahead and state my favorite and most logicial induction tehcnique, while we are talking about abilities. I don’t recall who posted it first Dust Mote, but it has been a tremendous help if my journey… LUCID LIVING. It holds the greates success/fale ratio, holds keys to waking life, and above all else gives purpose to both existences… END

Second point; GOD. Two choices… Intelligent Design (i.e. GOD) or Randomness (i.e. Dice). Enough Said… END

Now to what we are really letting on to. Techniques, abilities, gifts, special talents, “mutant” powers, all that cool stuff. It just so happen I saw that new X-Men movie last night. Not my favorite from the 4, but okay. Anyway, I was successful last night. Lucid Dream was amazing. Long story short, I spent most of it in my friends car testing my 5 senses. Touching the leather steering wheel was amazingly real. I remember licking my lips and swallowing trying to taste. Above all really was my eye sight, explained away by what I assume to be the more valuable use of sight in waking life. Sounds we’re insignificant, atleast in recollection. Flying was more difficult that it ever has been, I just remembered to look at an object in the sky and imagine it coming closer, my usual technique… proved difficult, oh well. There was a superman figure in my dream last night. We we’re either at battle, or on same sides, dunno? That’s how big flying is in my dreams.

So what abilities can we unlock?


Are you talking in waking-life… like flight, telekinesis, walking through walls and such… or more photographic memory, time perceptual changes, creating emotions to say one could “beat” depression. I think we can do abilities that don’t inter fear with other’s realities. More perceptual differences, rather than me shooting fire balls.

We all already know for roughly 1/3 of our life (before you jump into time bending) we sleep, on average. We have utter control, control that does yes take getting use to. But I think unlocking the human mind should be everybody’s first intention and utmost priority if you hold the gift of Lucidity.


You can definitely unlock abilities. That’s how I got my perfect pitch. :tongue: I’ll make a tutorial when I’m not bogged down by school work.
I’m still interested in photographic memory. Need to read more about it. Then I’ll try to figure out a way to obtain this too.

I guess so. If you use your time wisely in a lucid dream. My friend used to talk about lucid dreaming like if you mastered it you would be a god among men as far as mental prowess is concerned. In reality lucid dreaming just offers to more time. You still have to put in the work to reach your goals, even if the work you put in is entirely in your head. You aren’t going to increase your mental abilities just because you happen to be goofing off in a dream. I hate when I hear people talk about lucid dreaming and just screwing around, then later on I hear the same people talking about all the things they’d like to master, like astral projection and things like that.

I learned how to do the moonwalk in a normal (very vivid) dream :smile:

Before that dream I never had a clue about how to do the moonwalk.

In the dream I could feel every cell in my body doing the moonwalk. The next morning I tested my new knowledge and yep, since that moment I know how to do the moonwalk. I’ve never really tried to do it or read about it, but suddenly after this dream I had this new skill :smile:

Try living in the now. You need to stop identifying yourself with your ego. You need to be able to stop your thoughts. From there on you can take mental snapshots of things and relearn your ability to memorize photographically.

Chimps have a very good photographic memory, probably because they don’t have this ongoing chatter in their mind all day.

If your interested in stopping the identification with your ego (or enlightenment) the power of now is a good book to read. It adds another dimension to consciousness. Being in the now as the observer of the ego and not the ego itself, that will give you a feeling of being one with everything, just like the feeling we experience in dreams. When you’re in the now and your ego is gone, then you can experience timelessness, just like in your dreams.