Lucid dreaming used to "unlock" abilitys

My friend told me about lucid dreaming, i had heard about it before but only vaguely on the internet when researching out of body experiences; anyway while he was teaching me what he knew about it and about a reality check he uses, he told me that in his lucid dreams he’d roll like 20 blunts in order to become good at rolling, and he is very good at it now. he said its because of that.

I once read that affirmations spoken loudly and forcefully to the dreamscape are 10x more powerful than spoken to myself in real life. So first off I would speak affirmations in a LD that made it much more likely for me to have future LDs. Once I had accomplished that I thought it would be very cool to see the auras and chakras of people in RL. I once went to a seminar by a woman named Donna Eden she apparently has the ability to see these things in people and does energy work on them. So I would also like to have that ability. I would also like to have photographic memory and easy access to past memories. Some people claim to be able to see spirits and entities, I am not sure I want that ability but it would be a very cool one to have. I would also like to have the ability of luck or to be lucky and I would describe this as a high probability of a favorable outcome in the events of my life. I would also like to have the ability to easily access the Akashic Records when I am searching for answers to questions. I would also like to ability to easily have OBE’s as well, with complete recall of my OBEs and LDs. These are a few of the abilities I would like to have through LDs. I have only one LD and it lasted 30 seconds because I was so excited about having it.


yes i believe using LDing to become psychic/have mind power in waking life is possible.