Lucid Dreaming?

I’ve been trying to ld for a month now in need help!!1 :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I’ve been using Reality checks ,I dont have a dream journal i try every technique on this site.I dream every night i just need to know how to achieve lucidity

Hi molin555 :content:

You’re asking a very vague question. It’s going to be hard for us to help you unless you give us some more information. What exactly have you tried so far? What techniques are you using? Are you keeping a DJ? Do you RC during the day?

Also, I would recommend you browse through our FAQ’s and Tutorials section as well as the Article Space. You can also find a lot of great information searching existing topics on the forum.

Let us know what you’re having trouble with and we’ll be glad to help :content:

Now Check my post plz

A DJ is really good to have. My recall has become MUCH better since I started using one.

Don’t give up. It may take longer than a month. Some people have their first lucid dreams after a few days, others may need to wait for a half year. It depends from person to person, but if you keep trying, you will, sooner or later succeed at it.

Reality checks is crucial to lucid dreaming, and it’s good to use them. Do them at certain time troughout the day. The best time to do them is during those activities, which you might do during a dream. That is when you wake up (lucid dreamers often have FA’s), go to bathroom, go to school, use the computer, browse this site etc.

The dream journal is a very adviseable thing to have. You don’t want to have a lucid dream, just to find yourself not able to remember it fully. Dream journal enhances your ability to remember dreams. It also tells your subconscious, that dreams are impotant to you. Therefore, your dreams are more likely to be very vivid and lucid dreams will happen more often. On the other hand, it is very exciting to read your dreams later, i.e. after a year. It is fun to read what you dreamt last summer etc. :smile:

I also see you find difficulties in choosing a technique. For the novice lucid dreamers I suggest choosing easier techniques. Most often, MILD, combined with WBTB is appreciated. If you are ready for more challenge, you may try the WILD branch of techniques, that require you to consciously fall asleep. WILD and Chaining is hard to do, but if you feel confident, you will succeed at them. There are other good techniques as well. I find Lucid Living very nice. This is a lifestyle rather than a technique, but it certainly works and helps induce lucid dreams. There are dozens of others as well. All the information about the techniques you will find in the Tutorials section. If you have any questions regarding them, you should post them in Quest for Lucidity forum.

That is probably all the basic stuff you need to know. Choose a technique(s) you feel comfortable with, have a dream journal, make a habbit of doing RC’s to induce DILD’s and, most importantly of all, do not give up. Remember, that you will ultimately succeed. Good luck.

Don’t give up. It may take longer than a month. Some people have their first lucid dreams after a few days, others may need to wait for a half year. It depends from person to person, but if you keep trying, you will, sooner or later succeed at it.

“half year” I wish , took me a whole year and it only lasted a few seconds :razz:

I would advise you to keep a DJ as if you improve your recall you will remember some truly amazing normal dreams aswell. Try to enjoy them as well as trying to acheive lucid ones as it can get frustrating.

The more you tell about what you do/did to try to get lucid, the easier it would be to help you out. When do you do RC’s. Which ones do you use? Which techniques have you tried and how far did you get?

BTW, did anyone tell you already that keeping a DJ is important?