lucid dreams all the time?

Is it possible to have lucid dreams 100% of the time you are dreaming? Also would it be possible to make your mind stay in a lucid dream until you decide you want to leave the dream? Or does your mind not let you prevent yourself from leaving your REM stage of sleep?

I very much doubt it’d be possible (surely your sub-c wouldn’t allow it). And even if you could, I would advise. You’d end up getting bored of LD’ing, you’d feel bad in the morning (lack of NREM) and you’d wouldn’t be able to remember most of it anyways…

i dotn think you feel the effects of NREM deprivation on a short term scale. NREM would just make you more unhealthy. I agree with you though, that it is not advisable to go without NREM.

I think it is possible to do it though, if you learn how to practise deep meditation. If you meditate strongly in a dream, you can lower your brainwaves, maintainingf the dream. You could continue to dream and when you feel yourself losing it, you would meditate to hold the dream in place and keep doing so until you want to wake up. And I dont think you could get bored of LDing, thats like getting bored of somewhere you could do ANYTHING, its almost a condridiction of terms to get bored in a lucid dream

There is no way you are going to skip deep delta sleep (dreamless nREM sleep), even if you are conscious all night. So all the worries are unnececarry, and besides it would take a lot of effort to become lucid in every dream (although some on this forum claim they can do it). And no, your subconscious would’t stop it, there have been already a lot of people who have done it (especially yogi’s and the likes).

Yeh, but you’ll certainly enjoy it less. It’s like your first LD, you go crazy about it.

Has anyone tried this, your idea of meditating to maintain a dream when you feel it slip away? I myself can’t try it because I haven’t yet discovered how to actually have lucid dreams. But it would be interesting to see if you could, for instance, hold a dream for 3 hours, then enter NREM sleep, and when you enter REM sleep you could try to hold the dream again.

I wonder if it’s like being in a lucid dream, and when you feel your lucidity start to sleep away, you can meditate to keep the lucidity. When you start feeling the dream slip away, you can meditate to keep the dream. Although I’m sure you’d have to be lucid in order to do this meditation.

It wont work since these brain functions like going into deep sleep are regulated non-voluntary (like digestion etc).

No you can not lucid dream 100% of the time you are asleep. You can retain conciousness through all sleep stages but, you will not be dreaming. You can bend some of the rules like extending rem periods etc.

Anyway hereis a link to where we discussed this in depth.