So the other night I recalled a dream where all I really remember is becomin lucid. I went back to sleep that night after a wake back to bed and started to dream. THe first thing I remember is that I should be dreaming so I do a nose reality check but it fails. Next I look at my hand and see seven fingers. I know I’m dreaming. I also try to put my hand through my other hand but it doesn’t work.
The few parts I remember are not vivid and have low lucidity. The only other thing I remember is looking up at the horizon and rubing my hands together to enhance the dream, it worked a little. Then there is like a whole 15 minutes of memory that are just blank. A whole dream lost to bad recall. After that I only remember telling my friend Ben I was dreaming and then I woke up. I have The strongest feeling that my recall shorted out for the whole duration of my lucidity
I just figured I’d remind every to keep working on their re call so they dont loose any opportunities like I may have done, sweet dreaming!
Yes, it’s pretty easy to forget LD’s. One morning I did the routine of writing down my dreams that I recalled. Then I went on to my daily stuff. When I was eating breakfast, I was thinking about lucid dreams. And then it hit me - I’ve forgotten to write down one more dream during which I was actually lucid. I jumped to my DJ before that memory faded away
I had a couple of lucid dreams to where all i remember is becoming lucid. Just lie in the bed until the dream comes back, if it dosen’t it’s ok you will have more lucid dreams.
It’s kinda funny how sometimes a dream fragment or even a whole dream will pop into my head in the morning even when I think I can’t remember any more. I just find my self thinking “where the hell did that come from?”