Lucid Dreams from Childhood?

What are some of your favorite memories of lucid dreams from childhood?

Me, I remember only three very clearly: two lucid flying dreams, and one recurring lucid nightmare.

In my nightmare (age 7ish), I’d walk into my house and would discover a coffin. A vampire would awaken and slowly crack the lid open. Every time, I would run away and hide behind a chair in our living room. No one ever talked to me about dreams, or dream control, when I was kid, so I didn’t know what to do. I knew I was dreaming—because I had the dream so many times—but all I would do is cower behind the chair and try to wake up: “Please wake up, please wake up, please wake up!” Every time, the vampire would jump out at me and I’d scream and wake up.

A few dreams from childhood I’d really like to re-enter or re-dream.


i liked this dream when me and my grandmother went to the playground and a space ship crashed in the beach behind the school(there isnt a beach at that playground/school IRL) and then we investigated and went to the boardwalk ware i saw mostly people i did not know, but saw a couple of my close friends. that dream will stick with me for the rest of my life. something about it means something to me for some reason. i was probly in like 2nd grade

this just reminded me! as a child i had this reoccurring nightmare that took place on an island and a kid from my school had this laboratory and he like captured my parents or something and was trying to kill them! i had this dream several times so eventually i realize that im dreaming in one of them and i made the kid disappear and i never had the nightmare again! thus i defeated my nightmares through lucid dreaming