Lucid During school

dont’ really know where to put this but yeah…school. it starts in a week for me and i was just wondering if anyone has had a lucid dream before getting up for school…not counting weekends…yeah please reply.

I had my first lucid moment before school. I think a good LD’er would have developed a moment like that into a full LD. So it must be possible.

Hey brad,

I’ve had most of my lucid moments before going to school. My first LD started when I realised that I shoundn’t be in school but in bed!



good…reassurance is never a bad thing :smile:

Hey Brad,

What do you mean with reasurrance?



well i knew it could happen i just wanted to be sure and you guys proved that it could happen. reassurance means like…making you feel better. kinda hard to put into words.