Lucid Hypnosis

that visualization is brilliant to add in with BWGEN…I’m most definately going to add some of this in to what I normally do.

Wooo… that you tube thing is cool… when i looked away it warped what i was looking at (my backpack) it like liquid flowing up and down . really cool

I cant say I had the best results, since it was my first time. But 2 nights ago I did the Youtube video + “Hypnosis” on the brainwave generator. I had the “awareness” in the dream, and I saw the people I demanded to see in my mantra, but no lucidity.

I did the same thing Last night, but was pretty rough. My lil’ nephew woke up in the middle of the night and started bawling, ruining my whole sleep cycle!

Well like most of the other people, I did definately see a difference in something. While there was no LD (which honestly on a school night that is no surprise), I did see a major increase in vividness and dream recall. I had a really sweet dream involving looking out from this awesome really high view and saw a hurricane with tornadoes coming out of it. Not going to write the whole thing, but it was cool :razz:

Anyways, I’m without a doubt going to keep using this addition until and throughout my weekend.