the matrix is actually about this world though.
the fact that we let our technologies create every single perception about reality we have, and that we are coming into singularity with these technologies at the hands of an elite who controls what sort of media we are exposed to, and what we aren’t.
about the fact that peace comes in the realization of the illusory nature of reality as a whole regardless of technology (i.e. realizing samsara for samsara and freeing your mind) but the great emphasis is that the more you tune into artificial worlds, the less free you become and the more your entire conception of reality is based upon things that are entirely unreal.
furthermore when we look at the ever pervasive and constantly growing influx of advertisements, it is hard to go anywhere in the civilized world without being around the omnipresence of media.
go outside and you hear someone bumping a rap beat. imagine what a profound impact on conscoiusness rap has in comparison to if that same person had never listened to rap at all and listened to country? imagine if they listened to no music? go outside and if you don’t hear rap you’ll probably see a billboard.
if you don’t see a billboard you will see an advertisement on someone’s shirt for some sort of product. if you don’t see that you will walk past a tv. if you don’t walk past a tv well who knows.
but you can get the gist of it.
taking the red pill is symbolic of doing anything to deliberately free your mind from the delusion that this reality is “real” which is to say, that you take living so seriously that you let this reality trick you into being enslaved and constantly mesmerized by technology, pereptually seeking the numbing of your senses with television and ever escalating advances in time wasting technologies (which are all blue pills)
lucid dreaming is most definitely related to the matrix, and it is perhaps our only way of actually bending any rules, but on the whole the matrix is a profoundly significant movie in its metaphor to how we are currently living, and how we will be.
all humans have a default state of profound inner silence in which peace flows forth as naturally as water down an abundant river. we are blocked from this state, this connection to oneness, unity, and transcendence because we are conditioned to be constantly seeking stimulation from the outside world.
we generally aren’t even told this state exists. though various spiritual practices have infilitrated our culture such as yoga, martial arts, etc, to help show us the way back.
but it a state that you are born into, and unfortunate that babies are exposed to constant blabbering of the tv, but at any rate the child mind is incredibly pure, much purer than the adult mind. it is only through constant reconditioning by the media and the dominant cultural values of exploitation and overstimulation that we are divorced from our innate freedom and even convinced that there never was such a thing.
this is true though in part of all societies, though many older societies had an active spiritual community, whereas our society is basically a society of complete idolatry, and the dominant religions do not teach people to go inward, rather, encourage confusion. [which at least for Christianity is contradiction to Christian teachings, there are numerous bible passages denoting the necessity of going inward and decrying the authorities that keep you from doing so]
silence is habitually shunned and discouraged, replaced with the monotonous drone of television, music, etc. furthermore popular culture does not entertain the brain, rather kills it. it is because popular music is completely formulaic and we are exposed through radio to the same songs thousands of times over. the same with tv, completely formulaic, constant reruns, constant repetition.
true music and true art can set the mind free, and back when music was made to be music, rather than to be money, music did serve the purpose of liberation. Many musicians were in the direct process of channeling God. Now most musicians channel their own insecurities in order to push money. The great artists generally are not simple and catchy enough to be signed into high profit labels, thus we are perpetually enslaved with mundane boredom.
Basically put the matrix encourages abstienence and mindful consumption of anything that is not conducive to the liberation of your spirit.
a key note of interest is that the film the Matrix is a part of the matrix and yet can be used to free yourself from the matrix. There are many people who have manipulated the matrix in order to free those trapped in it… often times musicians attempt it. We can look even at the Beatles and Pink Floyd as instances of such attempts at freeing people from their default modes of being, by on the one hand giving them a somewhat simple and popular form of entertainment, but on the other hand coding the entertainment with novel ideas that faciliate the questioning of authority.